Associate Professor ODAKA, Takahiro
Faculty, Affiliation
Institute of Liberal Arts and Science (ad. Institute for the Study of Ancient Civilizations and Cultural Resources)
College and School Educational Field
Graduate School of Human and Socio-Environmental Studies
Graduate School of Human and Socio-Environmental Studies
Faculty of Global Standard Education, Institute of Liberal Arts and Science
Academic Background
【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
Waseda University Doctor 200503 Accomplished credits for doctoral program
Waseda University Master 200003 Completed
【Academic background(Bachelor's Degree)】
Waseda University 199803
Kanazawa University Institute of Liberal Arts and Science Associate Professor(2021/04-)
Kanazawa University Center for Cultural Resource Studies Project Associate Professor(2019/11-2021/03)
University of Tsukuba Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Part-time Researcher(2019/04-2019/10)
The University of Tokyo The University Museum Project Researcher(2018/11-2019/10)
The University of Tokyo The University Museum Project Assistant Professor(2015/11-2018/10)
Meiji University School of Interdisciplinary Mathematical Sciences Part-time Lecturer(2015/04-2020/03)
Waseda University Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences Part-time Lecturer(2014/04-2019/03)
The University of Tokyo The University Museum Project Researcher(2014/04-2015/10)
Kanagawa University Part-time Lecturer(2011/09-2016/03)
Waseda University Waseda Institute for Advanced Study Assistant Professor(2011/04-2014/03)
Ancient Orient Museum, Tokyo Research Fellow(2009/11-2011/03)
Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate School of Fine Arts Research Associate(2006/04-2010/03)
Tokyo University of the Arts Graduate School of Fine Arts Part-time Lecturer(2005/05-2006/03)
Waseda University Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences Part-time Lecturer(2005/04-2007/03)
Waseda University Faculty of Letters, Arts and Sciences Research Associate(2002/04-2005/03)
Year & Month of Birth
Academic Society
Japanese Society for West Asian Archaeology
The Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan
The Japanese Archaeological Association
Hokuriku Historical Society
○31st Award for Young Scholars, the Society for Near Eastern Studies in Japan(2009/10/10)
Archaeology、Cultural assets study and museology
Speciality Keywords
Prehistory, Early Farming Society, Pottery, Typology, Chronology, Mobility, Mesopotamia, Levant, Fertile Crescent
Research Themes
Between Neolithisation and Urbanisation in West Asia
- Joint Translation: P. G. Stone, J. F. Bajjaly The Destruction of Cultural Heritage in Iraq. Hakuhosha 2021/03
- T. Odaka Göytepe: Neolithic Excavations in the Middle Kura Valley, Azerbaijan. Archaeopress 2020
- Y. Nishiaki, T. Odaka, Y. Ogawa Catalogue of Archaeological Materials in the Department of Archaeology of Western Asia. Part 11: Photographs from the 1957 Survey of Historical Monuments in Syria. The University Museum, the University of Tokyo 2016/03
- A. Tsuneki, J. Hydar, T. Odaka, A. Hasegawa A Decade of Excavations at Tell el-Kerkh, 1997-2006. Department of Archaeology, University of Tsukuba 2007/03
- Halaf and Late Chalcolithic Occupations at Shakar Tepe in the Shahrizor Plain, Iraqi Kurdistan: Preliminary Report of the 2023 Excavations. T. Odaka, O. Maeda, T. Miki, Y. S. Hayakawa, Y. Itahashi, M. Oda, R. K. Salih, H. Hama Gharib Archaeological Research in Asia 41 100592 2025/03
- Tell Begum, Shaikh Marif and Shakar Tepe: The Late Neolithic Pottery in the Shahrizor Plain, Iraqi Kurdistan. T. Odaka The Epipalaeolithic and Neolithic in the Eastern Fertile Crescent: Revisiting the Hilly Flanks 261-278 2024/01
- Clay Containers and Mobility in the Final Stage of Neolithisation: Storage Bins and the Earliest Pottery at Tell el-Kerkh, Northwest Syria. T. Odaka Containers of Change: Ancient Container Technologies from Eastern to Western Asia 223-237 2023/05
- Late Prehistoric Investigations at Shakar Tepe, the Shahrizor Plain, Iraqi Kurdistan: Preliminary Results of the First Season (2019). T. Odaka, O. Maeda, K. Shimogama, Y. S. Hayakawa, Y. Nishiaki, N. A. Mohammed, K. Rasheed Proceedings of the 12th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East 2 415-428 2023/05
- Excavations at Shaikh Marif, Iraqi Kurdistan: Preliminary Report of the First Season (2022). T. Odaka, O. Maeda, T. Miki, Y. S. Hayakawa, P. Yewer, H. Hama Gharib Ancient Civilizations and Cultural Resources 1 1-22 2023/03
- Surveys and Excavations at Post-Neolithic Sites in Wadi Sharma Area, NW Arabia and Archaeological Investigations at Wadi al-Muharraq Sites (NW Arabia): Preliminary Report of the 2017 and 2018 Excavation Seasons. S. Fujii, A. al-Mansoor, T. Adachi, A. Almunif, K. Nagaya, S. al-Tamimi, A. Uesugi, T. Odaka Atlal 32 179-201 2022
- Halaf Pottery in the East End: Insights from Tell Begum, Iraqi Kurdistan. T. Odaka, O. Nieuwenhuyse Orient 57 113-124 2022/03
- Neolithic Potsherds from Tell Hassuna: The Collection of the University Museum, the University of Tokyo. T. Odaka Neolithic Pottery from the Near East: Production, Distribution and Use 169-179 2021/11
- Late Neolithic in the Shahrizor Plain, Iraqi Kurdistan: New Excavations at Shakar Tepe, 2019. T. Odaka, O. Maeda, K. Shimogama, Y. S. Hayakawa, Y. Nishiaki, N. A. Mohammed, K. Rasheed Neo-Lithics 20 53-57 2020/12
- From the 7th to the 6th Millennium BC in Iraqi Kurdistan: A Local Ceramic Horizon in the Shahrizor Plain. T. Odaka, O. Nieuwenhuyse, S. Mühl Paléorient 45 2 67-83 2019/12
- Neolithic Potsherds from Matarrah, Northern Iraq: The Collection of the University Museum, the University of Tokyo. T. Odaka Decades in Deserts: Essays on Near Eastern Archaeology in Honour of Sumio Fujii 251-260 2019/02
- Neolithic Pottery with Horizontal Applied Bands from Tell el-Kerkh, the Rouj Basin. T. Odaka II Workshop on Late Neolithic Ceramics in Ancient Mesopotamia: Pottery in Context 25-34 2018/10
- Decoration of Neolithic Pottery in the Northern Levant: A View from the Rouj Basin. T. Odaka Painting Pots - Painting People: Late Neolithic Ceramics in Ancient Mesopotamia 177-185 2017/03
- The Emergence of Pottery in Northern Levant: A Recent View from the Rouj Basin. T. Odaka The Emergence of Pottery in West Asia 61-71 2017/03
- Halaf Settlement in the Iraqi Kurdistan: The Shahrizor Survey Project. O. Nieuwenhuyse, T. Odaka ,S. Mühl The Archaeology of the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and Adjacent Regions 257-266 2016/06
- Revisiting Tell Begum: A Prehistoric Site in the Shahrizor Plain, Iraqi Kurdistan. O. Nieuwenhuyse, T. Odaka, A. Kaneda, S. Mühl, K. Rasheed, M. Altaweel Iraq 78 103-135 2016
- An Archaeological Survey in the Vicinity of Kültepe at Kayseri Province, Turkey. R. Kontani, H. Sudo, Y. Yamaguchi, Y. S. Hayakawa, T. Odaka Current Research at Kültepe-Kanesh: An Interdisciplinary and Integrative Approach to Trade Networks, Internationalism, and Identity 95-106 2014/03
- Preliminary Report of the Shawbak North Archaeological Project (SNAP): 2012-2013. S. Fujii, M. Yamafuji, T. Odaka, Y. Arimatsu Annual of the Department of Antiquities of Jordan 57 359-372 2013/12
- Dark-faced Burnished Ware and Fine versus Coarse Distinction in the Early Pottery Assemblage of Northern Levant. T. Odaka Interpreting the Late Neolithic of Upper Mesopotamia 296-303 2013/03
- Neolithic Pottery in the Northern Levant and Its Relations to the East. T. Odaka Neolithic Archaeology in the Khabur Valley, Upper Mesopotamia and Beyond 205-217 2013/01
- Fine Painted Wares in the Neolithic Northern Levant: The Earliest Evidence from Tell Ain el-Kerkh, the Rouj Basin. T. Odaka Orient-Express 2003 3 80-81 2003
- Samarra Pottery in the National Museum of Aleppo, Syria. T. Odaka Al-Rāfidān 24 25-39 2003/03
- Fourth Preliminary Report of the Excavations at Tell el-Kerkh (2000), Northwestern Syria. A. Tsuneki, J. Hydar, Y. Miyake, O. Maeda, T. Odaka, K. Tan'no, A. Hasegawa 古代オリエント博物館紀要 21 1-30 2001/03
- Third Preliminary Report of the Excavations at Tell el-Kerkh (1999), Northwestern Syria. A. Tsuneki, J. Hydar, Y. Miyake, M. Hudson, M. Arimura, O. Maeda, T. Odaka, S. Yano 古代オリエント博物館紀要 20 1-36 2000/03
Conference Presentations
- Clay Containers during the PPN-PN Transition: The Case of Tell el-Kerkh, Northwest Syria.(conference:World Neolithic Congress 2024)(2024/11/07)
- Geomorphological Settings of the Shahrizor Plain and Its Significance to Neolithisation in Iraqi Kurdistan.(conference:Annual Meeting 2024 of the Japanese Geomorphological Union)(2024/11/03)
- Excavations at Shakar Tepe.(conference:Bestansur Community Event 2023)(2023/09/23)
- Investigating the Late Neolithic in the Shahrizor Plain, Iraqi Kurdistan: Excavations at Shaikh Marif, the First Season (2022).(conference:13th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East)(2023/05/22)
- Investigating the Late Neolithic in the Shahrizor Plain: Tell Begum, Shaikh Marif and Shakar Tepe.(conference:International Conference, Revisiting the Hilly Flanks: the Epipalaeolithic and Neolithic Periods in the Fertile Crescent)(2021/06/22)
- Investigating the Late Neolithic in the Shahrizor Plain, Iraqi Kurdistan: Excavations at Shakar Tepe, the First Season (2019).(conference:12th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East)(2021/04/07)
- A Late PPNB Storehouse and Clay Containers at Tell el-Kerkh, North-western Syria.(conference:Workshop, Thinking Inside the Box: Containers in Neolithic Western Asia)(2020/02/10)
- Late Neolithic in the Shahrizor Plain, Iraqi Kurdistan: A New Evidence from Shakar Tepe, the Excavations in 2019.(conference:The 9th International Conference of the Pre-Pottery Neolithic Chipped and Ground Stone Industries of the Near East)(2019/11/13)
- New Insights into Regional Variability of the Hassuna Standard Ware.(conference:Third International Workshop on Ceramics from the Late Neolithic Near East)(2019/03/08)
- From the Seventh into the Sixth Millennium in the Shahrizor, Iraqi Kurdistan: Filling the Gap.(conference:11th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East)(2018/04/05)
- The Late Neolithic in the Shahrizor: Tell Bagum and Shaikh Marif.(conference:Workshop, Between the Zagros and Mesopotamia: Archaeology of the Diyala Valley in Iraq.)(2018/02/16)
- A Storehouse at Tell el-Kerkh (Syria), in the Final Stage of the Neolithic Revolution.(conference:Revolutions in Prehistory Symposium)(2016/10/16)
- Halaf Pottery and the Radiocarbon Dates of Tell Begum.(conference:Expert Meeting, The Later Prehistory of the Shahrizor: Discoveries and Questions)(2016/10/11)
- Current Issues of the Late Neolithic in the Shahrizor Plain.(conference:Workshop, The Japanese Contribution to Kurdistan Archaeology)(2016/02/27)
- Around 6000BCE in the Shahrizor Plain: Research Perspectives.(conference:Symposium, Prehistoric Archaeology in the Shahrizor (Iraqi Kurdistan): Prospects & Challenges)(2015/10/18)
- Early Pottery with Horizontal Applied Bands from Tell el-Kerkh, Northwestern Syria.(conference:2nd Workshop on Investigating Decorated Ceramics from the Later Neolithic Near East)(2015/10/15)
- Storage and Portability: The Neolithic Clay Vessels from Tell el-Kerkh, NW Syria.(conference:The 7th World Archaeological Congress)(2013/01/15)
- The Western Variety of Samarra Pottery and the Collection in the National Museum of Aleppo, Syria.(conference:8th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East)(2012/05/01)
- Decoration of Neolithic Pottery in the Northern Levant: A View from the Rouj Basin, Syria.(conference:Workshop, Painting Pots - Painting People: Investigating Decorated Ceramic from the Late Neolithic Near East)(2012/01/23)
- Storage Facilities of a Neolithic Mega-site: The New Evidence from Tell el-Kerkh, Northwest Syria.(conference:7th International Congress on the Archaeology of the Ancient Near East)(2010/04/12)
- The Emergence of Pottery in the Northern Levant: A Recent View from Tell el-Kerkh.(conference:International Symposium, The Emergence of Pottery in West Asia: The Search for the Origin of Pyrotechnology)(2009/10/29)
- Dark-faced Burnished Wares in the Pottery Assemblage of the Neolithic North Levant.(conference:International Conference, Interpreting the Late Neolithic of Upper Mesopotamia)(2009/03/28)
- Neolithic Pottery in the Levant and Its Relations to the East.(conference:International Symposium, The Neolithic Archaeology in the Khabur Valley, Upper Mesopotamia and Beyond)(2005/07/09)
Arts and Fieldwork
○Excavations at Shakar Tepe, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq(2024/08-2024/09)
○Material Studies of Shakar Tepe and Shaikh Marif, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq(2024/02-2024/03)
○Excavations at Shakar Tepe, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq(2023/08-2023/09)
○Material Studies of Shakar Tepe and Shaikh Marif, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq(2023/02-2023/03)
○Excavations at Shaikh Marif, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq(2022/08-2022/09)
○Excavations at Wadi Ghubayy and Wadi Muharraq, Saudi Arabia(2019/12-2019/12)
○Excavations at Shakar Tepe, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq(2019/08-2019/09)
○Topographic Mapping at Shaikh Marif, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq(2017/08-2017/09)
○Material Studies of Shaikh Marif, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq(2017/02-2017/02)
○Excavations at Anjiri Cave, Iran(2016/12-2017/01)
○Material Studies of the Shahrizor Plain, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq(2016/10-2016/10)
○Archaeological Survey in the Marv Dasht Plain, Iran(2016/09-2016/09)
○Archaeological Survey in the Kayseri Province, Turkey(2014/09-2014/09)
○Material Studies of Tell Begum, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq(2014/02-2014/03)
○Archaeological Survey in the Kayseri Province, Turkey(2013/09-2013/09)
○Re-excavations at Tell Begum, the Kurdistan Region of Iraq(2013/08-2013/08)
○Archaeological Survey in the Shawbak North and the Jafr Basin, Jordan(2013/03-2013/03)
○Material Studies in the McDonald Institute for Archaeological Research, University of Cambridge, UK(2012/03-2012/03)
○Archaeological Survey in the Kayseri Province, Turkey(2012/08-2012/09)
○Material Studies in CNRS, France(2012/03-2012/03)
○Archaeological Survey in the Kayseri Province, Turkey(2011/09-2011/09)
○Excavations at Göytepe, Azerbaijan(2011/08-2011/09)
○Material Studies of Tell el-Kerkh, Syria(2011/03-2011/03)
○Material Studies of Tell el-Kerkh, Syria(2010/09-2010/10)
○Excavations at Ueno-Shinobugaoka Site Complex, Japan(2009/12-2009/12)
○Material Studies of Tell el-Kerkh, Syria(2009/07-2009/09)
○Excavations at Tell el-Kerkh, Syria(2008/07-2009/08)
○Excavations at Tell el-Kerkh, Syria(2007/08-2007/09)
○Excavations at Ueno-Shinobugaoka Site Complex, Japan(2007/06-2007/07)
○Investigations of Bamboo Paper Factories, China(2006/11-2006/11)
○Excavations at Tell el-Kerkh, Syria(2006/08-2006/09)
○Excavations at Ueno-Shinobugaoka Site Complex, Japan(2006/06-2006/07)
○Excavations at Tonouchi Shell Mound, Japan(2005/09-2005/09)
○Excavations at Tell el-Kerkh, Syria(2005/08-2005/09)
○Excavations at Tonouchi Shell Mound, Japan(2005/02-2005/03)
○Material Studies of Tell el-Kerkh, Syria(2004/08-2004/09)
○Topographic Mapping at Tonouchi Shell Mound, Japan(2004/02-2004/03)
○Material Studies of Tell el-Kerkh, Syria(2003/08-2003/09)
○Excavations at Kitadera Site, Japan(2003/07-2003/08)
○Excavations at Tell el-Kerkh, Syria(2002/08-2002/09)
○Material Studies of Tell el-Kerkh, Syria(2002/02-2002/03)
○Material Studies of Tell Kashkashok II, Syria(2001/10-2001/10)
○Excavations at Tell Seker al-Aheimar, Syria(2001/09-2001/10)
○Excavations at Tell el-Kerkh, Syria(2001/07-2001/09)
○Excavations at Kohnodai Site, Japan(2001/02-2001/04)
○Soundings at Shinjuku 6-Chome Site, Japan(2001/01-2001/01)
○Material Studies in Aleppo National Museum, Syria(2000/11-2000/12)
○Excavations at Tell el-Kerkh, Syria(2000/07-2000/09)
○Excavations at Tell el-Kerkh, Syria(1999/07-1999/09)
○Excavations at Ueno-Shinobugaoka Site Complex, Japan(1998/06-1998/08)
○Excavations at Sendagaya 5-Chome Site, Japan(1996/10-1997/09)
○Excavations at Tell Kosak Shamali, Syria(1996/07-1996/09)
○Excavations at Shiba-Takanawadai Site, Japan(1996/02-1996/04)
○Excavations at Nishi-Waseda 3-Chome Site, Japan(1995/07-1995/09)
○Topographic Mapping at Tsukamotoyama Tumli, Japan(1995/07-1995/07)
Theme to the desired joint research
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Competitive research funding,Contribution
Collaborative research,Consignment study
Classes (Bachelors)
○The Origins of the Ancient Civilizations(2023)
○Historical Approach to the Contemporary World(2023)
○The Origins of the Ancient Civilizations(2022)
○Historical Approach to the Contemporary World(2022)
○Historical Approach to the Contemporary World(2021)
○The Origins of the Ancient Civilizations(2021)
○Practice of Archaeology 4(2021)
○Practice of Archaeology 3(2021)
○Practice of Archaeology IB(2021)
○Practice of Archaeology IIB(2020)
○Practice of Field Archaeology B(2020)
Classes (Graduate Schools)
○Seminar on West Asian Prehistory II(2023)
○Seminar on West Asian Prehistory I(2023)
○West Asian Prehistory II(2023)
○West Asian Prehistory I(2023)
○Introduction to Cultural Resource Studies a(2023)
○Seminar on Prehistory 2(2023)
○Seminar on Prehistory 1(2023)
○Special Lecture on Prehistory 2(2023)
○Special Lecture on Prehistory 1(2023)
○Introduction to Cultural Resource Studies 1(2023)
International Project
○Grand Egyptian Museum Conservation Center Project(20100618-20100913)Expert, Japan International Cooperation Agency