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Faculty of Chemistry, Institute of Science and Engineering

30 faculty members found.Click on a name for details.

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No. Name Faculty Position Specialities
1 Hitoshi Asakawa Faculty of Chemistry, Institute of Science and Engineering Professor Atomic force microscopy, Nanotechnology, Surface/interfacial chemistry
2 IDA TOMONORI Faculty of Chemistry, Institute of Science and Engineering Associate Professor Theoretical Chemistry, Quantum Chemistry
3 Kuo Hong WONG Faculty of Chemistry, Institute of Science and Engineering Assistant Professor Chemical oceanography, trace metal, organic ligand, phytoplankton, electrochemical analysis
4 UKAJI YUTAKA Faculty of Chemistry, Institute of Science and Engineering Professor
5 OTA AKIO Faculty of Chemistry, Institute of Science and Engineering Associate Professor Solution Chemistry Interface Chemistry
6 KAKUTA, Takahiro Faculty of Chemistry, Institute of Science and Engineering Assistant Professor Material Science, Polymer Chemistry, Supramolecular Chemistry, Organic-inorganic hybrid
7 KATAOKA Kunishige Faculty of Chemistry, Institute of Science and Engineering Professor Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Protein engineering, Metalloproteins
8 Yuji Kikukawa Faculty of Chemistry, Institute of Science and Engineering Associate Professor metal-oxide molecules, catalyst, functional materials
9 Takuya Kurihara Faculty of Chemistry, Institute of Science and Engineering Assistant Professor Solid-state NMR,Physical science,Metal-organic framework,Coordination polymer,molecular dynamics,Gas adsorption
10 SAKAE, Hiroki Faculty of Chemistry, Institute of Science and Engineering Assistant Professor

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