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Professor FUKUMA Takeshi
Faculty, Affiliation
WPI Nano Life Science Institute Nanoscale Measurement Technologies
College and School Educational Field
Division of Nano Life Science, Graduate School of Frontier Science Initiative
Division of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Division of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
School of Frontier Engineering, College of Science and Engineering
Course in Electrical and Electronic Engineering, School of Electrical, Information and Communication Engineering, College of Science and Engineering
Nanoscale Measurement Technology Laboratory TEL:076-234-4847 FAX:076-234-4632
Academic Background
【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
Kyoto University Doctor Graduate School, Division of Engineering Electronic Material Engineering 200303 Completed
【Academic background(Bachelor's Degree)】
Kyoto University Department of Electronic Science and Engineering 199903
Ph. D. in Engineering
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Japan Society for the Promotion of Scien Research Fellow (DC1)(2001/04/01-2003/03/31)
Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Japan Society for the Promotion of Scien Research Fellow (PD)(2003/04/01-2004/03/31)
Kyoto University Kyoto University(2004/04/01-2005/03/31)
Trinity College Dublin Physics Department Senior Scientist(2005/04/01-2007/04/30)
Kanazawa University Frontier Science Organization Associate Professor(2007/05/01-)
Kanazawa University Professor(2012/04/01-)
Kanazawa University Nano Life Science Institute (WPI-NanoLSI) Director/Professor(2017/10/01-)
Year & Month of Birth
Academic Society
The Japan Society of Applied Physics
○Nanoprobe Technology Award(2019/11)
○Japan Society for the Promotion of Science Prize(2019/02)
○The 71st Hokkoku Bunka Award(2017/10)
○The Young Scientists’ Prize, The Commendation for Science and Technology by the Minister of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology(2011/04)
○19th MRS-J Academic Symposium Incentive Award(2010/01)
○19th MRS-J Academic Symposium Incentive Award(2010/01)
○Takagi Award, Bio-Nanotechnology Forum, The Society of Non-traditional Technology(2008/03/04)
○Nano-probe Technology Incentive Award, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science(2005/04/19)
○Young Scientist Award for the Presentation of Excellent Paper, Japan Society of Applied Physics(2004/09/01)
Thin film/Surface and interfacial physical properties、、、
Speciality Keywords
Single molecule measurements,Atomic Force Microscopy,Nanotechnology,Nanoscale Biology
Research Themes
Development of in-liquid atomic force microscopy techcniques and their applications to various in-liquid science research
We have been developing atomic force microscopy (AFM), one of the atomic scale measurement techniques, and using it for research in various academic and industrial fields. AFM is a measurement technique that enables observation of a surface structure of an object at atomic resolution by precisely tracing the surface with a sharp probe (figure below). Among several AFM operation modes, frequency modulation AFM (FM-AFM) has the highest resolution. Professor Fukuma has realized the world’s first atomic resolution FM-AFM observation in liquid. Based on this technical basis, we are working on developing and applying advanced in-liquid AFM measurement techniques.
- FUKUMA Takeshi Fundamentals of Picoscience CRC Press 2013
- FUKUMA Takeshi Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy Volume 3 Springer 2015
- FUKUMA Takeshi Atomic Force Microscopy in Liquid WILEY-VCH 2012
- FUKUMA Takeshi 先端バイオマテリアルハンドブック NTS 2012
- Y. Zhou,T. Fukuma,Y. Takahashi Encyclopedia of Interfacial Chemistry Surface Science and Electrochemistry Elsevier 2018/01
- FUKUMA Takeshi Noncontact Atomic Force Microscopy・Volume 2 Springer 2009
- FUKUMA Takeshi Nanoscale Liquid Interfaces Pan Stanford Publishing 2013
- FUKUMA Takeshi Applied Scanning Probe Methods VIII - Scanning Probe Microscopy Techniques Springer 2008
- Local structures and electrical properties of organic molecular films investigated by non-contact atomic force microscopy H Yamada,T Fukuma,K Umeda,K Kobayashi,K Matsushige APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 188 3-4 391 2002/03
- Phase-separated alkanethiol self-assembled monolayers investigated by non-contact AFM T Ichii,T Fukuma,K Kobayashi,H Yamada,K Matsushige APPLIED SURFACE SCIENCE 210 1-2 99 2003/03
- Conservative and dissipative force imaging of switchable rotaxanes with frequency-modulation atomic force microscopy Alan A. Farrell,Takeshi Fukuma,Takayuki Uchihashi,Euan R. Kay,Giovanni Bottari,David A. Leigh,Hirofumi Yamada,Suzanne P. Jarvis Physical Review B - Condensed Matter and Materials Physics 72 12 1 2005/09/15
- Surface potential measurements by the dissipative force modulation method T Fukuma,K Kobayashi,H Yamada,K Matsushige REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS 75 11 4589 2004/11
- Frequency-modulation atomic force microscopy at high cantilever resonance frequencies using the heterodyne optical beam deflection method T Fukuma,K Kimura,K Kobayashi,K Matsushige,H Yamada REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS 76 12 1 2005/12
- Self-assembled monolayers of alkanethiol and fluoroalkanethiol investigated by noncontact atomic force microscopy T Ichii,M Urabe,T Fukuma,K Kobayashi,K Matsushige,H Yamada JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 1-REGULAR PAPERS BRIEF COMMUNICATIONS & REVIEW PAPERS 44 7B 5378 2005/07
- Molecular-scale non-contact AFM studies of ferroelectric organic thin films epitaxially grown on alkali halides T Fukuma,K Kobayashi,K Noda,K Ishida,T Horiuchi,H Yamada,K Matsushige SURFACE SCIENCE 516 1-2 103 2002/09
- Molecular-scale investigations of semi-insulating polymer single crystals by noncontact atomic force microscopy T Ichii,H Kawabata,T Fukuma,K Kobayashi,H Yamada,K Matsushige NANOTECHNOLOGY 16 3 S22 2005/03
- True-molecular resolution imaging by frequency modulation atomic force microscopy in various environments T Fukuma,T Ichii,K Kobayashi,H Yamada,K Matsushige APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 86 3 1 2005/01
- Dynamic force microscopy at high cantilever resonance frequencies using heterodyne optical beam deflection method T Fukuma,K Kimura,K Kobayashi,K Matsushige,H Yamada APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 85 25 6287 2004/12
- True atomic resolution in liquid by frequency-modulation atomic force microscopy T Fukuma,K Kobayashi,K Matsushige,H Yamada APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 87 3 2005/07
- Alkanethiol self-assembled monolayers on Au(111) surfaces investigated by non-contact AFM T. Fukuma,K. Kobayashi,T. Horiuchi,H. Yamada,K. Matsushige APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING 72 7 S109 2001/03
- Explanation for the mechanical strength of amyloid fibrils Takeshi Fukuma,Anika S. Mostaert,Suzanne P. Jarvis TRIBOLOGY LETTERS 22 3 233 2006/06
- Surface potential measurements of phase-separated alkanethiol self-assembled monolayers by non-contact atomic force microscopy T Ichii,T Fukuma,K Kobayashi,H Yamada,K Matsushige NANOTECHNOLOGY 15 2 S30 2004/02
- True molecular resolution in liquid by frequency-modulation atomic force microscopy T Fukuma,K Kobayashi,K Matsushige,H Yamada APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 86 19 1 2005/05
- Conservative and dissipative force imaging of switchable rotaxanes with frequency-modulation atomic force microscopy AA Farrell,T Fukuma,T Uchihashi,ER Kay,G Bottari,DA Leigh,H Yamada,SP Jarvis PHYSICAL REVIEW B 72 12 2005/09
- Structures and local electrical properties of ferroelectric polymer thin films in thermal process investigated by dynamic-mode atomic force microscopy T. Fukuma,K. Kobayashi,T. Horiuchi,H. Yamada,K. Matsushige Thin Solid Films 397 1-2 133 2001/11/01
- Nanometer-scale characterization of ferroelectric polymer thin films by variable-temperature atomic force microscopy Takeshi Fukuma,Kei Kobayashi,Toshihisa Horiuchi,Hirofumi Yamada,Kazumi Matsushige Japanese Journal of Applied Physics, Part 1: Regular Papers and Short Notes and Review Papers 39 6B 3830 2000/12
- Development of liquid-environment frequency modulation atomic force microscope with low noise deflection sensor for cantilevers of various dimensions T Fukuma,SP Jarvis REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS 77 4 2006/04
- Development of low noise cantilever deflection sensor for multienvironment frequency-modulation atomic force microscopy T Fukuma,M Kimura,K Kobayashi,K Matsushige,H Yamada REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS 76 5 2005/05
- Molecular-scale noncontact atomic force microscopy contrasts in topography and energy dissipation on c(4x2) superlattice structures of alkanethiol self-assembled monolayers T Fukuma,T Ichii,K Kobayashi,H Yamada,K Matsushige JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 95 3 1222 2004/02
- Submolecular-resolution studies on metal-phthalocyanines by noncontact atomic force microscopy T Yoda,T Ichii,T Fukuma,K Kobayashi,H Yamada,K Matsushige JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 1-REGULAR PAPERS SHORT NOTES & REVIEW PAPERS 43 7B 4691 2004/07
- Noncontact atomic force microscopy investigation of phase-separated alkanethiol self-assembled monolayers with different head groups T Ichii,T Fukuma,K Kobayashi,H Yamada,K Matsushige JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 1-REGULAR PAPERS SHORT NOTES & REVIEW PAPERS 43 7B 4545 2004/07
- Noncontact atomic force microscopy study of copper-phthalocyanines: Submolecular-scale contrasts in topography and energy dissipation T Fukuma,K Kobayashi,H Yamada,K Matsushige JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 95 9 4742 2004/05
- Experimental study on energy dissipation induced by displacement current in non-contact aomic force microscopy imaging of molecular thin films T Fukuma,K Umeda,K Kobayashi,H Yamada,K Matsushige JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS PART 1-REGULAR PAPERS SHORT NOTES & REVIEW PAPERS 41 7B 4903 2002/07
- Spatial Distribution of Lipid Headgroups and Water Molecules at Membrane/Water Interfaces Visualized by Three-Dimensional Scanning Force Microscopy Hitoshi Asakawa,Shunsuke Yoshioka,Ken-ichi Nishimura,Takeshi Fukuma ACS NANO 6 10 9013 2012/10
- Molecular-Resolution Imaging of Hydration Layers on Model Biological Membranes by Frequency Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy FUKUMA Takeshi Seibutsu Butsuri 50 2 92 2010/03/25
- Subnanometer-Resolution Frequency Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy in Liquid for Biological Applications Takeshi Fukuma JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 48 8 2009/08
- Wideband digital frequency detector with subtraction-based phase comparator for frequency modulation atomic force microscopy Yuji Mitani,Mamoru Kubo,Ken-ichiro Muramoto,Takeshi Fukuma REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS 80 8 2009/08
- Phase modulation atomic force microscope with true atomic resolution Takeshi Fukuma,Jason I. Kilpatrick,Suzanne P. Jarvis REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS 77 12 2006/12
- Real-time atomic-resolution imaging of crystal growth process in water by phase modulation atomic force microscopy at one frame per second Kazuki Miyata,Hitoshi Asakawa,Takeshi Fukuma APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 103 20 2013/11
- AFM observation of polyurethane nanofibers prepared by electrospinning H. Sakamoto,H. Asakawa,T. Fukuma,S. Fujita,S. Suye Proceedings of International Symposium on Fiber Science and Technology 2014 (ISF 2014) 2014
- Wideband low-noise optical beam deflection sensor with photothermal excitation for liquid-environment atomic force microscopy Takeshi Fukuma REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS 80 2 2009/02
- Wideband phase-locked loop circuit with real-time phase correction for frequency modulation atomic force microscopy Takeshi Fukuma,Shunsuke Yoshioka,Hitoshi Asakawa REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS 82 7 2011/07
- Direct imaging of lipid-ion network formation under physiological conditions by frequency modulation atomic force microscopy Takeshi Fukuma,Michael J. Higgins,Suzanne P. Jarvis PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 98 10 2007/03
- High resonance frequency force microscope scanner using inertia balance support Takeshi Fukuma,Yasutaka Okazaki,Noriyuki Kodera,Takayuki Uchihashi,Toshio Ando APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 92 24 243119 2008/06
- Revealing molecular-level surface structure of amyloid fibrils in liquid by means of frequency modulation atomic force microscopy Takeshi Fukuma,Anika S. Mostaert,Louise C. Serpell,Suzanne P. Jarvis NANOTECHNOLOGY 19 38 6 2008/09
- The molecular-scale arrangement and mechanical strength of phospholipid/cholesterol mixed bilayers investigated by frequency modulation atomic force microscopy in liquid Hitoshi Asakawa,Takeshi Fukuma NANOTECHNOLOGY 20 26 2009/07
- Instrumentation and Biological Applications of High-Resolution Frequency Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy in Liquid Takeshi Fukuma JOURNAL OF NANO RESEARCH 4 1 2008
- Direct imaging of individual intrinsic hydration layers on lipid bilayers at Angstrom resolution Takeshi Fukuma,Michael J. Higgins,Suzanne P. Jarvis BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL 92 10 3603 2007/05
- Nanoscale mechanical characterisation of amyloid fibrils discovered in a natural adhesive Anika S. Mostaert,Michael J. Higgins,Takeshi Fukuma,Fabio Rindi,Suzanne P. Jarvis JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL PHYSICS 32 5 393 2006/11
- Structured water layers adjacent to biological membranes Michael J. Higgins,Martin Polcik,Takeshi Fukuma,John E. Sader,Yoshikazu Nakayama,Suzanne P. Jarvis BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL 91 7 2532 2006/10
- Closed Fluid Cell with Liquid-Sealing Mechanism for Stable and Flexible Operation of Liquid-Environment Atomic Force Microscopy Hitoshi Asakawa,Yukitoshi Katagiri,Takeshi Fukuma JAPANESE JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 52 11 2013/11
- Three-dimensional Imaging of Solid/Liquid Interfacial Structures by Frequency Modulation AFM FUKUMA Takeshi J. Surf. Sci. Soc. Jpn. 34 9 476 2013/09/10
- Separate-type scanner and wideband high-voltage amplifier for atomic-resolution and high-speed atomic force microscopy Kazuki Miyata,Satoshi Usho,Satoshi Yamada,Shoji Furuya,Kiyonori Yoshida,Hitoshi Asakawa,Takeshi Fukuma REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS 84 4 2013/04
- Atomic-resolution imaging in liquid by frequency modulation atomic force microscopy using small cantilevers with megahertz-order resonance frequencies T. Fukuma,K. Onishi,N. Kobayashi,A. Matsuki,H. Asakawa NANOTECHNOLOGY 23 13 2012/04
- Dual frequency open-loop electric potential microscopy for local potential measurements in electrolyte solution with high ionic strength Naritaka Kobayashi,Hitoshi Asakawa,Takeshi Fukuma REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS 83 3 2012/03
- Ordered nano-structure of a stamped self-organized protein layer on a HOPG surface using a HFB carrier Atsushi Iwanaga,Hitoshi Asakawa,Takeshi Fukuma,Momoka Nakamichi,Sakurako Shigematsu,Markus B. Linder,Tetsuya Haruyama COLLOIDS AND SURFACES B-BIOINTERFACES 84 2 395 2011/06
- Near-field light detection by conservative and dissipative force modulation methods using a piezoelectric cantilever Nobuo Satoh,Takeshi Fukuma,Kei Kobayashi,Shunji Watanabe,Toru Fujii,Kazumi Matsushige,Hirofumi Yamada APPLIED PHYSICS LETTERS 96 23 2010/06
- Submolecular-scale Investigations on metal-phthalocyanine monolayers by frequency modulation atomic force microscopy Takashi Ichii,Takeshi Fukuma,Tadashi Yoda,Kei Kobayashi,Kazumi Matsushige,Hirofumi Yamada JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 107 2 2010/01
- Spurious-free cantilever excitation in liquid by piezoactuator with flexure drive mechanism Hitoshi Asakawa,Takeshi Fukuma REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS 80 10 103703 2009/10
- Quantitative potential measurements of nanoparticles with different surface charges in liquid by open-loop electric potential microscopy Naritaka Kobayashi,Hitoshi Asakawa,Takeshi Fukuma JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 110 4 2011/08
- Submolecular-Scale Imaging of alpha-Helices and C-Terminal Domains of Tubulins by Frequency Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy in Liquid Hitoshi Asakawa,Koji Ikegami,Mitsutoshi Setou,Naoki Watanabe,Masaru Tsukada,Takeshi Fukuma BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL 101 5 1270 2011/09
- High-speed atomic force microscopy for nano-visualization of dynamic biomolecular processes Toshio Ando,Takayuki Uchihashi,Takeshi Fukuma PROGRESS IN SURFACE SCIENCE 83 7-9 337 2008/11
- Nanoscale potential measurements in liquid by frequency modulation atomic force microscopy Naritaka Kobayashi,Hitoshi Asakawa,Takeshi Fukuma REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS 81 12 2010/12
- Atomic-Scale Processes at the Fluorite-Water Interface Visualized by Frequency Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy Naritaka Kobayashi,Shirou Itakura,Hitoshi Asakawa,Takeshi Fukuma JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C 117 46 24388 2013/11
- Water distribution at solid/liquid interfaces visualized by frequency modulation atomic force microscopy Takeshi Fukuma Sci. Technol. Adv. Mater. 111 033003 2010/09
- The relationship between local liquid density and force applied on a tip of atomic force microscope: A theoretical analysis for simple liquids Ken-ichi Amano,Kazuhiro Suzuki,Takeshi Fukuma,Ohgi Takahashi,Hiroshi Onishi JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL PHYSICS 139 22 2013/12
- Molecular Resolution Imaging of Protein Molecules in Liquid Using Frequency Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy Hirofumi Yamada,Kei Kobayashi,Takeshi Fukuma,Yoshiki Hirata,Teruyuki Kajita,Kazumi Matsushige APPLIED PHYSICS EXPRESS 2 9 2009/09
- Atomic-Scale Distribution of Water Molecules at the Mica-Water Interface Visualized by Three-Dimensional Scanning Force Microscopy Takeshi Fukuma,Yasumasa Ueda,Shunsuke Yoshioka,Hitoshi Asakawa PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 104 1 2010/01
- AFM in Liquid - A High Sensitivity Study on Biological Membranes M. J. Higgins,T. Fukuma,S. P. Jarvis G.I.T. Imaging and Microscopy 3 2006 2 2006/08
- 第四紀研究における年代測定法の新展開―最近10年間の進展―(II)放射線損傷年代・放射年代 2章 FTおよびU系列年代測定とその応用 フィッショントラック年代測定における多様化する観察法 長谷部徳子,伊藤健太郎,福間剛士,大石新之介,KIM Ju‐Yong 月刊地球 124 2013/12/01
- Three-dimensional quantitative force maps in liquid with 10 piconewton, angstrom and sub-minute resolutions Elena T. Herruzo,Hitoshi Asakawa,Takeshi Fukuma,Ricardo Garcia NANOSCALE 5 7 2678 2013
- Temperature Dynamics of Single Molecular Antifreeze Protein Rio Okada,Tatsuya Arai,Daichi Fukami,Yuhuku Matsushita,Jae-won Chang,Hiroshi Sekiguchi,Noboru Ohta,Tadashi Mori,Masaki Nishijima,Keisuke Miyazawa,Takeshi Fukuma,Keigo Ikezaki,Sakae Tsuda,Yuji C. Sasaki BIOPHYSICAL JOURNAL 112 3 323A 2017/02
- Hydration Layer Structure of Biofouling-Resistant Nanoparticles. Molino PJ,Yang D,Penna M,Miyazawa K,Knowles BR,MacLaughlin S,Fukuma T,Yarovsky I,Higgins MJ ACS nano 12 11 11610 2018/11
- Atomic- and Molecular-Resolution Mapping of Solid-Liquid Interfaces by 3D Atomic Force Microscopy. Fukuma T,Garcia R ACS nano 12 12 11785 2018/11
- Development of carbon-based nanoelectrodes for biosensing and electrochemical imaging Yasufumi Takahashi,Yuanshu Zhou,Takeshi Fukuma Current Opinion in Electrochemistry 5 1 121 2017/10/01
- [Unlabeled imaging of primary cilia by scanning ion conductance microscopy]. Zhou Y,Saito M,Fukuma T,Takahashi Y Nihon yakurigaku zasshi. Folia pharmacologica Japonica 154 4 192 2019
- Direct comparison between subnanometer hydration structures on hydrophilic and hydrophobic surfaces via three-dimensional scanning force microscopy. Yang CW,Miyazawa K,Fukuma T,Miyata K,Hwang IS Physical chemistry chemical physics : PCCP 20 36 23522 2018/09
- Visualizing charges accumulated in an electric double layer by three-dimensional open-loop electric potential microscopy. Hirata K,Kitagawa T,Miyazawa K,Okamoto T,Fukunaga A,Takatoh C,Fukuma T Nanoscale 10 30 14736 2018/08
- Visualizing Nanoscale Distribution of Corrosion Cells by Open-Loop Electric Potential Microscopy Kyoko Honbo,Shoichiro Ogata,Takuya Kitagawa,Takahiro Okamoto,Naritaka Kobayashi,Itto Sugimoto,Shohei Shima,Akira Fukunaga,Chikako Takatoh,Takeshi Fukuma ACS NANO 10 2 2575 2016/02
- High-speed Atomic Force Microscopy with Atomic-Scale Resolution Using Separate-Type XY and Z Scanners with Screw Holding Mechanism S. M,R. Akrami,K. Miyata,H. Asakawa,T. Fukuma Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Nanostructures 2 962 2014/03
- Quantitative comparison of wideband low-latency phase-locked loop circuit designs for high-speed frequency modulation atomic force microscopy K. Miyata,T. Fukuma Beilstein J. Nanotechnol. 9 1844 2018/06
- Nanoscale Imaging of Primary Cilia with Scanning Ion Conductance Microscopy Yuanshu Zhou,Masaki Saito,Takafumi Miyamoto,Pavel Novak,Andrew I Shevchuk,Yuri E Korchev,Takeshi Fukuma,Yasufumi Takahashi Analytical Chemistry 90 4 2891 2018/02/20
- Structural and Electrochemical Properties of Self-organized HFBI Membranes on Different Types of Substrates Ryota Yamasaki,Hitoshi Asakawa,Takeshi Fukuma,Tetsuya Haruyama ELECTROCHEMISTRY 83 11 969 2015/11
- Direct Imaging of Atomic-Scale Surface Structures of Brookite TiO2 Nanoparticles by Frequency Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy in Liquid Asakawa H,Holmström E,Foster AS,Kamimura S,Ohno T,Fukuma T Journal of Physical Chemistry C 122 24085 2018/10
- Mechanism of atomic force microscopy imaging of three-dimensional hydration structures at a solid-liquid interface Takeshi Fukuma,Bernhard Reischl,Naritaka Kobayashi,Peter Spijker,Fillippo Federici Canova,Keisuke Miyazawa,Adam S. Foster PHYSICAL REVIEW B 92 15 2015/10
- A relationship between three-dimensional surface hydration structures and force distribution measured by atomic force microscopy Keisuke Miyazawa,Naritaka Kobayashi,Matthew Watkins,Alexander L. Shluger,Ken-ichi Amano,Takeshi Fukuma NANOSCALE 8 13 7334 2016
- Number density distribution of solvent molecules on a substrate: A transform theory for atomic force microscopy Ken Ichi Amano,Yunfeng Liang,Keisuke Miyazawa,Kazuya Kobayashi,Kota Hashimoto,Kazuhiro Fukami,Naoya Nishi,Tetsuo Sakka,Hiroshi Onishi,Takeshi Fukuma Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 18 23 15534 2016
- Loosening of Lipid Packing Promotes Oligoarginine Entry into Cells Tomo Murayama,Toshihiro Masuda,Sergii Afonin,Kenichi Kawano,Tomoka Takatani-Nakase,Hiroki Ida,Yasufumi Takahashi,Takeshi Fukuma,Anne S. Ulrich,Shiroh Futaki ANGEWANDTE CHEMIE-INTERNATIONAL EDITION 56 26 7644 2017/06
- Influence of ions on two-dimensional and three-dimensional atomic force microscopy at fluorite-water interfaces K. Miyazawa,M. Watkins,A. L. Shluger,T. Fukuma NANOTECHNOLOGY 28 24 2017/06
- Semi-in situ atomic force microscopy imaging of intracellular neurofilaments under physiological conditions through the 'sandwich' method Fumiya Sato,Hitoshi Asakawa,Takeshi Fukuma,Sumio Terada MICROSCOPY 65 4 316 2016/08
- Nanoscale corrosion behavior of polycrystalline copper fine wires in dilute NaCl solution investigated by in-situ atomic force microscopy Shoichiro Ogata,Naritaka Kobayashi,Takuya Kitagawa,Shohei Shima,Akira Fukunaga,Chikako Takatoh,Takeshi Fukuma CORROSION SCIENCE 105 177 2016/04
- Efficiency improvement in the cantilever photothermal excitation method using a photothermal conversion layer Natsumi Inada,Hitoshi Asakawa,Taiki Kobayashi,Takeshi Fukuma BEILSTEIN JOURNAL OF NANOTECHNOLOGY 7 409 2016/03
- Self-assembled monolayers of sulfonate-terminated alkanethiols investigated by frequency modulation atomic force microscopy in liquid Hitoshi Asakawa,Natsumi Inada,Kaito Hirata,Sayaka Matsui,Takumi Igarashi,Norihisa Oku,Norinobu Yoshikawa,Takeshi Fukuma NANOTECHNOLOGY 28 45 2017/11
- Morphology and Physical Properties of Hydrophilic-Polymer-Modified Lipids in Supported Lipid Bilayers Yasuhiro Kakimoto,Yoshihiro Tachihara,Yoshiaki Okamoto,Keisuke Miyazawa,Takeshi Fukuma,Ryugo Tero Langmuir 34 24 7201 2018/06/19
- Atomic force microscopy visualization of hard segment alignment in stretched polyurethane nanofibers prepared by electrospinning Hiroaki Sakamoto,Hitoshi Asakawa,Takeshi Fukuma,Satoshi Fujita,Shin-ichiro Suye SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF ADVANCED MATERIALS 15 1 2014/02
- Molecular-scale surface structures of oligo (ethylene glycol)-terminated self-assembled monolayers investigated by frequency modulation atomic force microscopy in aqueous solution N. Inada,H. Asakawa,Y. Matsumoto,T. Fukuma NANOTECHNOLOGY 25 30 2014/08
- Significant improvements in stability and reproducibility of atomic-scale atomic force microscopy in liquid S. M. R. Akrami,H. Nakayachi,T. Watanabe-Nakayama,H. Asakawa,T. Fukuma NANOTECHNOLOGY 25 45 2014/11
- Electrochemical properties of honeycomb-like structured HFBI self-organized membranes on HOPG electrodes Ryota Yamasaki,Yoshiyuki Takatsuji,Michael Lienemann,Hitoshi Asakawa,Takeshi Fukuma,Markus Linder,Tetsuya Haruyama COLLOIDS AND SURFACES B-BIOINTERFACES 123 803 2014/11
- Ring shape-dependent self-sorting of pillar[n]arenes assembled on a surface Ogoshi Tomoki,Takashima Shu,Inada Natsumi,Asakawa Hitoshi,Fukuma Takeshi,Shoji Yoshiaki,Kajitani Takashi,Fukushima Takanori,Tada Tomofumi,Dotera Tomonori,Kakuta Takahiro,Yamagishi Tada-aki COMMUNICATIONS CHEMISTRY 1 2018/12/07
- Visualization of catalytic edge reactivity in electrochemical CO2 reduction on porous Zn electrode Morimoto M,Takatsuji Y,Hirata K,Fukuma T,Ohno T,Sakakura T,Haruyama T Electrochimica Acta 290 255 2018/09
- Self-Assembling Supramolecular Nanostructures Constructed from de Novo Extender Protein Nanobuilding Blocks. Naoya Kobayashi,Kouichi Inano,Kenji Sasahara,Takaaki Sato,Keisuke Miyazawa,Takeshi Fukuma,Michael H Hecht,Chihong Song,Kazuyoshi Murata,Ryoichi Arai ACS synthetic biology 7 5 1381 2018/05/18
- Resolving Point Defects in the Hydration Structure of Calcite (10.4) with Three-Dimensional Atomic Force Microscopy Hagen Söngen,Bernhard Reischl,Kazuki Miyata,Ralf Bechstein,Paolo Raiteri,Andrew L. Rohl,Julian D. Gale,Takeshi Fukuma,Angelika Kühnle Physical Review Letters 120 11 116101 2018/03/13
- Hydration Structure of Brookite TiO2 (210) Eero Holmstrom,Simiam Ghan,Hitoshi Asakawa,Yasuhiro Fujita,Takeshi Fukuma,Sunao Kamimura,Teruhisa Ohno,Adam S. Foster JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C 121 38 20790 2017/09
- Semi-in situ atomic force microscopy imaging of intracellular neurofilaments under physiological conditions through the 'sandwich' method. Fumiya Sato,Hitoshi Asakawa,Takeshi Fukuma,Sumio Terada Microscopy (Oxford, England) 65 4 316 2016/08
- Reversible Changes in the Structural Features of Photosynthetic Light-Harvesting Complex 2 by Removal and Reconstitution of B800 Bacteriochlorophyll a Pigments Yoshitaka Saga,Keiya Hirota,Hitoshi Asakawa,Kazufumi Takao,Takeshi Fukuma BIOCHEMISTRY 56 27 3484 2017/07
- High-veracity functional imaging in scanning probe microscopy via Graph-Bootstrapping Xin Li,Liam Collins,Keisuke Miyazawa,Takeshi Fukuma,Stephen Jesse,Sergei V. Kalinin Nature Communications 9 1 2428 2018/12/01
- Understanding 2D atomic resolution imaging of the calcite surface in water by frequency modulation atomic force microscopy John Tracey,Keisuke Miyazawa,Peter Spijker,Kazuki Miyata,Bernhard Reischl,Filippo Federici Canova,Andrew L. Rohl,Takeshi Fukuma,Adam S. Foster NANOTECHNOLOGY 27 41 2016/10
- Fabrication of electron beam deposited tip for atomic-scale atomic force microscopy in liquid K. Miyazawa,H. Izumi,T. Watanabe-Nakayama,H. Asakawa,T. Fukuma NANOTECHNOLOGY 26 10 2015/03
- Actin binding domain of Rng2 sparsely bound on F-actin strongly inhibits actin movement on myosin II Yuuki Hayakawa,Masak Takaine,Kien,Xuan Ngo,Taiga Imai,Masafumi Yamada,Arash Badami Behjat,Kenichi Umeda,Keiko Hirose,Ayhan Yurtsever,Noriyuki Kodera,Kiyotaka Tokuraku,Osamu Numata,Takeshi Fukuma,Toshio Ando,Kentaro Nakano,Taro Uyeda bioRxiv 2022/03/13
- Visualisation of helical structures of poly(diphenylacetylene)s bearing chiral amide pendants by atomic force microscopy. Ayhan Yurtsever,Sandip Das,Tatsuya Nishimura,Rafael Rodríguez,Daisuke Hirose,Kazuki Miyata,Ayumi Sumino,Takeshi Fukuma,Katsuhiro Maeda Chemical communications (Cambridge, England) 57 92 12266 2021/11/19
- Nanoscale characterization of the site‐specific degradation of electric double‐layer capacitor using scanning electrochemical cell microscopy Yusuke Kawabe,Yosuke Miyakoshi,Rui Tang,Takeshi Fukuma,Hirotomo Nishihara,Yasufumi Takahashi Electrochemical Science Advances 2 3 2021/05/29
- Visualizing intracellular nanostructures of living cells by nanoendoscopy-AFM. Marcos Penedo,Keisuke Miyazawa,Naoko Okano,Hirotoshi Furusho,Takehiko Ichikawa,Mohammad Shahidul Alam,Kazuki Miyata,Chikashi Nakamura,Takeshi Fukuma Science advances 7 52 eabj4990 2021/12/24
- Cell penetration efficiency analysis of different atomic force microscopy nanoneedles into living cells. Marcos Penedo,Tetsuya Shirokawa,Mohammad Shahidul Alam,Keisuke Miyazawa,Takehiko Ichikawa,Naoko Okano,Hirotoshi Furusho,Chikashi Nakamura,Takeshi Fukuma Scientific reports 11 1 7756 2021/04/08
- Electrochemical Quantitative Evaluation of the Surface Charge of a Poly(1‐Vinylimidazole) Multilayer Film and Application to Nanopore pH Sensor Katsuhiko Sato,Fumiya Sato,Masayuki Kumano,Toshio Kamijo,Takaya Sato,Yuanshu Zhou,Yuri Korchev,Takeshi Fukuma,Tsutomu Fujimura,Yasufumi Takahashi Electroanalysis 33 6 1633 2021/06
- Macrocyclic Peptide-Conjugated Tip for Fast and Selective Molecular Recognition Imaging by High-Speed Atomic Force Microscopy. Leonardo Puppulin,Daiki Kanayama,Naohiro Terasaka,Katsuya Sakai,Noriyuki Kodera,Kenichi Umeda,Ayumi Sumino,Arin Marchesi,Wei Weilin,Hideo Tanaka,Takeshi Fukuma,Hiroaki Suga,Kunio Matsumoto,Mikihiro Shibata ACS applied materials & interfaces 13 46 54817 2021/11/24
- Tip dependence of three-dimensional scanning force microscopy images of calcite-water interfaces investigated by simulation and experiments Keisuke Miyazawa,John Tracey,Bernhard Reischl,Peter Spijker,Adam S. Foster,Andrew L. Rohl,Takeshi Fukuma Nanoscale 12 24 12856 2020/06/28
- Development of Biofuel Cell Using a Complex of Highly Oriented Immobilized His-Tagged Enzyme and Carbon Nanotube Surface Through a Pyrene Derivative. Hiroaki Sakamoto,Ayako Koto,Ei-Ichiro Takamura,Hitoshi Asakawa,Takeshi Fukuma,Takenori Satomura,Shin-Ichiro Suye Journal of nanoscience and nanotechnology 19 6 3551 2019/06/01
- Photothermal excitation efficiency enhancement of cantilevers by electron beam deposition of amorphous carbon thin films. Marcos Penedo,Ayhan Yurtsever,Keisuke Miyazawa,Hirotoshi Furusho,Kiyo-Aki Ishii,Takeshi Fukuma Scientific reports 10 1 17436 2020/10/15
- Self-assembly of small molecules at hydrophobic interfaces using group effect. William Foster,Keisuke Miyazawa,Takeshi Fukuma,Halim Kusumaatmaja,Kislon Voϊtchovsky Nanoscale 2020/02/21
- Subnanometer-scale imaging of nanobio-interfaces by frequency modulation atomic force microscopy. Takeshi Fukuma Biochemical Society transactions 48 4 1675 2020/08/28
- Wideband Magnetic Excitation System for Atomic Force Microscopy Cantilevers with Megahertz-Order Resonance Frequency Kaito Hirata,Takumi Igarashi,Keita Suzuki,Keisuke Miyazawa,Takeshi Fukuma Scientific Reports 10 1 2020/12/01
- Unraveling the host-selective toxic interaction of cassiicolin with lipid membranes and its cytotoxicity. Kien Xuan Ngo,Phuong Doan N Nguyen,Hirotoshi Furusho,Makoto Miyata,Tomomi Shimonaka,Nguyen Ngoc Bao Chau,Nguyen Phuong Vinh,Nguyen Anh Nghia,Tareg Omer Mohammed,Takehiko Ichikawa,Noriyuki Kodera,Hiroki Konno,Takeshi Fukuma,Nguyen Bao Quoc Phytopathology 2022/03/03
- Chemical Fixation Creates Nanoscale Clusters on the Cell Surface by Aggregating Membrane Proteins Takehiko Ichikawa,Dong Wang,Keisuke Miyazawa,Kazuki Miyata,Masanobu Oshima,Takeshi Fukuma 2021/10/11
- Inhibition of Silica Nanoparticle Adhesion to Poly(vinyl alcohol) Surfaces by Ammonia-Mediated Hydration: Implications for Effective Post-Chemical–Mechanical Planarization Cleaning Takahiko Ikarashi,Takumi Yoshino,Naoki Nakajima,Kazuki Miyata,Keisuke Miyazawa,Ygor Morais Jaques,Adam S. Foster,Megumi Uno,Chikako Takatoh,Takeshi Fukuma ACS Applied Nano Materials 4 1 71 2021/01/22
- Computing Atomic Force Microscopy Images of Chromosomes using Polymer Simulation Takashi Sumikama,Adam S. Foster,Takeshi Fukuma Biophysical Journal 118 3 619a 2020/02
- Computed Atomic Force Microscopy Images of Chromosomes by Calculating Forces with Oscillating Probes Takashi Sumikama,Adam S. Foster,Takeshi Fukuma The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124 3 2213 2020/01
- Development and application of scanning electrochemical cell microscope for electrochemical imaging of catalytic active sites Yasufumi TAKAHASHI,Yoshikazu ITO,Akichika KUMATANI,Hiroki IDA,Yasumitsu MIYATA,Tomokazu MATSUE,Takeshi FUKUMA Denki Kagaku 88 3 229 2020/09/05
- High-Speed Atomic Force Microscopy of the Structure and Dynamics of Calcite Nanoscale Etch Pits Kazuki Miyata,Kazuyoshi Takeuchi,Yuta Kawagoe,Peter Spijker,John Tracey,Adam S. Foster,Takeshi Fukuma The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 8039 2021/08/17
- Nanoscale kinetic imaging of lithium ion secondary battery materials using scanning electrochemical cell microscopy. Yasufumi Takahashi,Tsubasa Yamashita,Daiko Takamatsu,Akichika Kumatani,Takeshi Fukuma Chemical communications (Cambridge, England) 56 65 9324 2020/08/21
- Domain observation in the visible-light photocatalyst Bi4NbO8Br with the layered perovskite structure Chengchao Zhong,Daichi Mizushima,Kaito Hirata,Yui Ishii,Kosuke Kurushima,Daichi Kato,Hiroshi Nakajima,Shigeo Mori,Hajime Suzuki,Kanta Ogawa,Ryu Abe,Takeshi Fukuma,Hiroshi Kageyama Applied Physics Express 13 9 091004 2020/09
- Improvements in Fundamental Performance of In-Liquid Frequency Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy. Takeshi Fukuma Microscopy (Oxford, England) 2020/08/11
- Alkaline Phosphatase‐based Electrochemical Analysis for Point‐of‐care Testing Kanno, Yusuke,Zhou, Yuanshu,Fukuma, Takeshi,Takahashi, Yasufumi Electroanalysis 34 2 161 2022/02
- Photo-sensitive 2D Arrangement of −OH/H2O on Brookite TiO2(210) Lei Yang,Takumi Igarashi,Yu Cao,Eero Holmström,Kaito Hirata,Hitoshi Asakawa,Teruhisa Ohno,Takeshi Fukuma,Adam S. Foster The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124 35 19091 2020/09/03
- Variations in Atomic-Scale Step Edge Structures and Dynamics of Dissolving Calcite in Water Revealed by High-Speed Frequency Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy Miyata Kazuki,Kawagoe Yuta,Tracey John,Miyazawa Keisuke,Foster Adam S,Fukuma Takeshi JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL CHEMISTRY C 123 32 19786 2019/08/15
- Geometrical Characterization of Glass Nanopipettes with Sub-10 nm Pore Diameter by Transmission Electron Microscopy. Kazuki Shigyou,Linhao Sun,Riku Yajima,Shohei Takigaura,Masashi Tajima,Hirotoshi Furusho,Yousuke Kikuchi,Keisuke Miyazawa,Takeshi Fukuma,Azuma Taoka,Toshio Ando,Shinji Watanabe Analytical chemistry 92 23 15388 2020/12/01
- [In situ chemical sensing by using scanning probe microscope]. Takahashi Y,Zhou Y,Fukuma T Nihon yakurigaku zasshi. Folia pharmacologica Japonica 153 6 267 2019
- Direct Electrochemical Visualization of the Orthogonal Charge Separation in Anatase Nanotube Photoanodes for Water Splitting Marina V. Makarova,Fumiaki Amano,Shinpei Nomura,Chihiro Tateishi,Takeshi Fukuma,Yasufumi Takahashi,Yuri E. Korchev ACS Catalysis 12 2 1201 2022/01/21
- Local Cross-Coupling Activity of Azide-Hexa(ethylene glycol)-Terminated Self-Assembled Monolayers Investigated by Atomic Force Microscopy. Julie Ann Lebitania,Natsumi Inada,Masayuki Morimoto,Jiaxun You,Md Shahiduzzaman,Tetsuya Taima,Kaito Hirata,Takeshi Fukuma,Akio Ohta,Tsuyoshi Asakawa,Hitoshi Asakawa Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids 37 50 14688 2021/12/21
- Atomic-scale structures and dynamics at the growing calcite step edge investigated by high-speed frequency modulation atomic force microscopy Kazuki Miyata,Yuta Kawagoe,Naoyuki Miyashita,Tomoki Nakagawa,Takeshi Fukuma Faraday Discussions 235 551 2022
- Direct measurement of adhesion force of individual aerosol particles by atomic force microscopy Kohei Ono,Yuki Mizushima,Masaki Furuya,Ryota Kunihisa,Nozomu Tsuchiya,Takeshi Fukuma,Ayumi Iwata,Atsushi Matsuki Atmosphere 11 5 2020/05/01
- Nanoscale Reactivity Mapping of a Single-Crystal Boron-Doped Diamond Particle. Tomohiro Ando,Kai Asai,Julie Macpherson,Yasuaki Einaga,Takeshi Fukuma,Yasufumi Takahashi Analytical chemistry 93 14 5831 2021/04/13
- Chiral Monolayers with Achiral Tetrapod Molecules on Highly Oriented Pyrolytic Graphite Hitoshi Asakawa,Sayaka Matsui,Quang Thang Trinh,Hajime Hirao,Yasuhide Inokuma,Tomoki Ogoshi,Saki Tanaka,Kayo Komatsu,Akio Ohta,Tsuyoshi Asakawa,Takeshi Fukuma Journal of Physical Chemistry C 124 14 7760 2020/04
- High-Resolution Electrochemical Mapping of the Hydrogen Evolution Reaction on Transition-Metal Dichalcogenide Nanosheets. Yasufumi Takahashi,Yu Kobayashi,Ziqian Wang,Yoshikazu Ito,Masato Ota,Hiroki Ida,Akichika Kumatani,Keisuke Miyazawa,Takeshi Fujita,Hitoshi Shiku,Yuri E Korchev,Yasumitsu Miyata,Takeshi Fukuma,Mingwei Chen,Tomokazu Matsue Angewandte Chemie (International ed. in English) 59 9 3601 2020/02/24
- High-Speed SICM for the Visualization of Nanoscale Dynamic Structural Changes in Hippocampal Neurons. Yasufumi Takahashi,Yuanshu Zhou,Takafumi Miyamoto,Hiroki Higashi,Noritaka Nakamichi,Yuka Takeda,Yukio Kato,Yuri Korchev,Takeshi Fukuma Analytical chemistry 92 2 2159 2020/01/21
- Quasi-solid-state self-assembly of 1D-branched ZnSe/ZnS quantum rods into parallel monorail-like continuous films for solar devices D. Chen, H. Zhang, K. Miyazawa, R. Kojima, P. Zhang, L. Yang, Q. Sun, G. Shao, T. Fukuma, Y. Gao, N.-T. Nguyen, C. L. Raston, G. Jia, D. Zhao, P. N. Prasad, S. Wang, and Q. Li Nano Energy 89 106348 2021/07
- Scanning electrochemical microscopy for biosurface imaging Yuanshu Zhou,Yasufumi Takahashi,Takeshi Fukuma,Tomokazu Matsue Current Opinion in Electrochemistry 29 100739 2021/10
- Characterization of the Depth of Discharge-Dependent Charge Transfer Resistance of a Single LiFePO4 Particle. Takahiko Yamamoto,Tomohiro Ando,Yusuke Kawabe,Takeshi Fukuma,Hiroshi Enomoto,Yoshiaki Nishijima,Yoshihiko Matsui,Kiyoshi Kanamura,Yasufumi Takahashi Analytical chemistry 93 43 14448 2021/11/02
- Structural and mechanical characteristics of exosomes from osteosarcoma cells explored by 3D-atomic force microscopy. Ayhan Yurtsever,Takeshi Yoshida,Arash Badami Behjat,Yoshihiro Araki,Rikinari Hanayama,Takeshi Fukuma Nanoscale 13 13 6661 2021/04/07
- Unraveling the host-selective toxic interaction of cassiicolin with lipid membranes and its cytotoxicity Kien Xuan Ngo,Nguyen Bao Quoc,Phuong Doan N. Nguyen,Hirotoshi Furusho,Makoto Miyata,Susumu Shimonaka,Nguyen Ngoc Bao Chau,Nguyen Phuong Vinh,Nguyen Anh Nghia,Tareg Omer Mohammed,Takehiko Ichikawa,Noriyuki Kodera,Hiroki Konno,Takeshi Fukuma,Toshio Ando 2021/04/06
- Probing the Structural Details of Chitin Nanocrystal–Water Interfaces by Three‐Dimensional Atomic Force Microscopy Ayhan Yurtsever,Pei‐Xi Wang,Fabio Priante,Ygor Morais Jaques,Kazuki Miyata,Mark J. MacLachlan,Adam S. Foster,Takeshi Fukuma Small Methods 6 9 2200320 2022/06/09
Conference Presentations
- Frequency Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy for Visualizing Nanobio-Interfaces(conference:19th Academic Symposium of MRS-Japan 2009)(2009/12)
- Instrumentation and Biological Applications of Dynamic Force Microscopy(conference:Frontiers in Microscopy)(2006/07)
- Atomic-resolution imaging in liquid by FM-AFM using small cantilevers with megahertz-order resonance frequencies(conference:MRS fall meeting 2012)(2012/11)
- Subnanometer-Resolution Liquid-Environment AFM for Investigations on Biological Interfaces(conference:The First International Conference on Materials, Energy and Environments (ICMEE 2012))(2012/05)
- Atomic-scale studies on hydration structures at solid/liquid interfaces by FM-AFM(conference:Fundamental Aspects of Friction and Lubrication)(2012/04)
- Visualizing subnanometer-scale distribution of water at solid/liquid interfaces by three-dimensional scanning force microscopy(conference:First International Symposium on Advanced Water Science and Technology (ISAWST-1))(2012/11)
- Nanoscale Characterization of Protein Aggregates and Nanofibers(conference:The 6th International Symposium on Atomic Level Characterizations for NewMaterials and Devices '07)(2007/10)
- Direct Visualization of Water/Lipid Interface by Frequency Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy at Sub-Angstrom Resolution(conference:Frontiers in Scanning Probe Microscopy)(2006/10)
- Instrumentation and Applications of Liquid-Environment Frequency Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy(conference:MRS fall meeting 2009)(2009/12)
- Biological Applications of Atomic Force Microscopy in Liquid(conference:Microscopical Society of Ireland 29th Annual Symposium)(2005/09)
- Subnanometer-scale Visualization of Nanobio-interfaces by Frequency Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy(conference:BIT's 1st Annual Congress of Nanomedicine 2010)(2010/10)
- Direct Imaging of Water/Lipid Interface by Frequency Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy at Sub-Angstrom Resolution(conference:Kanazawa Workshop on Atomic Force Microscopy)(2007/01)
- Atomic-scale Imaging of Solid/liquid Interfaces(conference:7th Japanese-French Frontiers of Science Symposium)(2013/01)
- High-Speed Frequency Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy(conference:16th International Colloquium on Scanning Probe Microscopy (ICSPM16))(2008/12)
- Visualizing Nanobio‐interfaces by Frequency Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy(conference:2011 Korea Japan Symposium on Molecular Science)(2011/07)
- Instrumentation and applications of liquid-environment FM-AFM(conference:XXI International Summer School “Nicolas Cabrera”)(2014/07/14)
- Improving Fundamental Performance of Liquid-Environment FM-AFM(conference:2013 MRS Fall Meeting)(2013/12)
- Molecular-Scale Investigations on Model Biological Membranes by Frequency Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy(conference:The XI Linz Winter Workshop 2009)(2009/02)
- Subnanometer-scale Imaging of Interfacial Water by Frequency Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy(conference:Miniworkshop on Aqueous Interfaces in Physics, Chemistry and Biology)(2010/11)
- High-resolution Imaging of Mobile Water and Fluctuating Surface Structures at Nanobio Interfaces by 3D Scanning Force Microscopy(conference:3rd Kanazawa Bio-AFM Workshop)(2012/11)
- Subnanometer-resolution FM-AFM Imaging of Biological Systems in Liquid(conference:167 Committee Satellite Workshop on SPM)(2010/08)
- Visualizing Nanoscale Distribution of Corrosion Reaction Sites in Copper Fine Wires by Open-loop Electric Potential Microscopy(conference:The 23rd International Symposium on Chemical-Mechanical Planarization)(2019/08/13)
- Recent Progress in FM-AFM and 3D-AFM for Visualizing Structures and Dynamics at Solid-Liquid Interfaces(conference:XX. Annual Linz Winter Workshop)(2018/02)
- Recent Advancement and Future Prospects in FM-AFM Instrumentation for Liquid-Environment Applications(conference:Japan-Finland Research Exchange Meeting:Experiments and Theory of Liquid-Environment Scanning Probe Microscopy)(2016/04/28)
- Calcite Dissolution Processes Visualized by High-Speed Frequency Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy with True Atomic Resolution(conference:The 18th International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy)(2016/08)
- Visualizing Unexplored Nanoworld by Innovative In-liquid AFM Technologies(conference:The 99th CEMS Colloquium)(2022/03/23)
- Visualizing Inside of 3D Self-Organizing Systems by 3D-AFM(conference:The Virtual Symposium on Scanning Probe Microscopy: Current Status and Future Trends)(2020/11/09)
- Visualizing atomic-scale calcite dissolution processes by high-speed frequency modulation atomic force microscopy(conference:Atomic structure of nanosystems from first-principles simulations and microscopy experiments (AS-SIMEX 2015))(2015/06)
- Atomic-scale structures and dynamics at the growing calcite step edges investigated by high-speed frequency modulation atomic force microscopy(conference:Faraday Discussion - Understanding Crystallization)(2022/03/30)
- Recent Progress in Liquid-Environment Frequency Modulation AFM and Its Related Techniques(conference:The 20th International Scanning Probe Microscopy Conference)(2018/05/09)
- Visualizing Intracellular Nanostructures of Living Cells by Nanoendoscopy-AFM(conference:5th NanoLSI International Symposium)(2022/03/01)
- Visualizing Inside of 3D Self-Organizing Systems by 3D-AFM(conference:The 2021 I(SPM)3 Conference)(2021/06/28)
- Atomic-resolution imaging of calcite dissolution process at1sec/frame by high‐speed frequency modulation atomic force microscopy(conference:4th Kanazawa Bio-AFM Workshop 2016)(2016/10)
- Inhibition of Nanoparticle Adhesion to PVA Brush Surfaces by Ammonia-Mediated Hydration(conference:The 2021 CAMP CMP Symposium)(2021/08/16)
- Visualizing Inside of 3D Self-Organizing Systems by 3D-AFM(conference:AVS 67 Virtual Symposium)(2021/10/25)
- FM-AFM in Liquids(conference:MAINZ Summer School: Investigating Solid-Liquid Interfaces)(2018/06/12)
- Visualizing Calcite Growth and Dissolution Processes by High-Speed FM-AFM(conference:Gordon Research Conference on Biomineralization)(2018/07/29)
- Three-dimensional AFM imaging of hydration and flexible surface structures at solid-liquid interfaces(conference:APS March Meeting 2019)(2019/03/04)
- Visualizing Inside of 3D Self-Organizing Systems by 3D-AFM(conference:The 8th Multifrequency Conference)(2020/10/27)
- Visualizing Nanoscale Distribution of Corrosion Cells by Open-Loop Electric Potential Microscopy(conference:The 1st Ebara Open Innovation International Symposium on CMP)(2018/05/16)
- Recent Developments in Liquid-Environment frequency modulation AFM(conference:Symposium on atomic-scale characterization of solid-liquid interfaces)(2016/04/01)
- Visualizing Inside of 3D Self-Organizing Systems by 3D-AFM(conference:Virtual RMS AFM & SPM Meeting)(2020/11/04)
- Measuring electric potential in liquids(conference:Joint ACRITAS & MAINZ Summer School, Investigating the Solid-Liquid Interface)(2015/09)
- Development and Applications of Advanced Atomic Force Microscopy Techniques for Nanoscience Research(conference:The First Tufts University – Kanazawa University Joint Symposium on Structure and Function of Molecules, Tissues, and Organisms)(2016/12)
- Recent Progress in Liquid-Environment FM-AFM and Its Related Techniques(conference:MRS Fall Meeting 2017)(2017/11)
- Atomic-Scale Imaging of Solid/Liquid Interfaces by Atomic Force Microscopy FUKUMA Takeshi Microscopy 45 4 237 2010/12/30
- 原子間力顕微鏡による入戸火砕流ジルコンの観察 早坂怜,長谷部徳子,松木篤,福間剛士,田村明弘 フィッション・トラックニュースレター 29 16‐19 2016/12/01
- Highspeed Atomicresolution imaging in Liquid by Atomic Force Microscopy Takeshi Fukuma Journal of the Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan 134 12 820 2014/01/01
- 原子間力顕微鏡によるジルコンのαリコイルトラックの観察 早坂怜,長谷部徳子,松木篤,福間剛士,田村明弘 フィッション・トラックニュースレター 30 20‐22 2017/12/01
- 短時間エッチングジルコンの原子間力顕微鏡(AFM)による高解像度観察 大石新之介,長谷部徳子,福間剛士 フィッション・トラックニュースレター 25 43 2012/10/30
- Advances in observation methods for fission track dating 62 124 2013
- Visualizing Hydration Layers and Ions at Solid/Liquid Interfaces by FM-AFM FUKUMA TAKESHI 53 4 210 2011/06/10
- Alpha recoil track dating on zircon by using atomic force microscope Rei Hayasaka,Noriko Hasebe,Atsushi Matsuki,Takeshi Fukuma,Akihiro Tamura Fission Track News Letter 31 20 2018
- Visualizing Nanobio-Interfaces by In-Liquid Frequency Modulation Atomic Force Microscopy Takeshi FUKUMA Vacuum and Surface Science 65 2 72 2022/02/10
- デノボタンパク質ナノブロックePN‐Blocksによる自己集合超分子ナノ構造の創製と解析 小林直也,小林直也,稲野紘一,笹原健嗣,佐藤高彰,宮澤佳甫,福間剛士,HECHT Michael,SONG Chihong,村田和義,新井亮一,新井亮一 日本生物工学会大会講演要旨集 70th 155 2018/08/07
- The dynamics of CHD-mediated chromatin remodeling revealed by atomic force microscopy 塚本康寛,川村敦生,WEI Weilin,AYHAN Yurtsever,白石大智,中山敬一,古寺哲幸,福間剛士,西山正章 日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web) 44th 2021
- Self-assembled nanostructures in nature and routes to biomimicry Anika Mostaert,Michael Higgins,Takeshi Fukuma,Suzanne Jarvis 3rd Conference on Foundations of Nanoscience: Self-Assembled Architectures and Devices, FNANO 2006 189 2006/12/01
- Direct mechanical measurement of organised water and the influence of adjacent surface chemistry using atomic force microscopy M. J. Higgins,M. Polcik,T. Fukuma,J. E. Sader,S. P. Jarvis Proceedings of the World Tribology Congress III - 2005 717 2005/12/01
- Frequency modulation atomic force microscopy in liquids Suzanne P. Jarvis,John E. Sader,Takeshi Fukuma NanoScience and Technology 315 2008/01/01
- 液中原子分解能FM‐AFM計測に適した小型カンチレバー用探針の作製 宮澤佳甫,泉久範,中山隆宏,福間剛士,福間剛士 応用物理学会秋季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM) 77th ROMBUNNO.15a‐A32‐1 2016/09/01
- デノボタンパク質ナノブロックePN‐Blocksによる自己集合超分子ナノ構造の創製と解析 小林直也,小林直也,稲野紘一,笹原健嗣,佐藤高彰,宮澤佳甫,福間剛士,HECHT Michael,SONG Chihong,村田和義,新井亮一,新井亮一 日本生物工学会大会講演要旨集 70th 155 2018/08/07
- 人工タンパク質ナノブロックePN‐Blocksによる自己集合超分子ナノ構造の創製と解析 小林直也,小林直也,稲野紘一,笹原健嗣,佐藤高彰,宮澤佳甫,福間剛士,HECHT Michael,SONG Chihong,村田和義,新井亮一,新井亮一 日本分子生物学会年会プログラム・要旨集(Web) 平成30年度 155 2018/08
- 蛋白質ナノブロックePN‐Blocksによる自己集合超分子ナノ構造の創製と解析 小林直也,小林直也,稲野紘一,笹原健嗣,佐藤高彰,宮澤佳甫,福間剛士,HECHT Michael H,SONG Chihong,村田和義,新井亮一,新井亮一 日本蛋白質科学会年会プログラム・要旨集 18th 145 2018/05/23
- Visualization of nanometer-scale three-dimensional structures of chromosomes with three-dimensional atomic force microscopy 児島亮平,宮澤佳甫,宮澤佳甫,岡野直子,目黒牧子,堀家慎一,炭竃享司,日笠山拓,今立呼南,平原佳織,福間剛士,福間剛士 応用物理学会春季学術講演会講演予稿集(CD-ROM) 67th 2020
- タンパク質ナノブロックePN‐Blocksによる超分子ナノ構造複合体の創製と解析 小林直也,小林直也,稲野紘一,笹原健嗣,佐藤高彰,宮澤佳甫,福間剛士,HECHT Michael,ソン チホン,村田和義,新井亮一,新井亮一 酵素工学研究会講演会講演要旨集 80th 69 2018/11/16
Arts and Fieldwork
○Signal Detection Circuit and Scanning Probe Microscope(No:特許第6025082号)
○Potential Measurement Device and Atomic Force Microscope(No:特許第5737640号)
○Scanning Probe Microscope(No:特許第5283089号)
○Scanning Type Probe Microscope(No:特許第5545214号)
○In-Liquid Potential Measurement Device and Atomic Force Microscope(No:特許第5594795号)
○Scanner Device For Scanning Probe Microscope(No:特許第5268008号)
○Cantilever Excitation Device And Scanning Probe Microscope(No:特許第5585965号)
Theme to the desired joint research
Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research
Competitive research funding,Contribution
Collaborative research,Consignment study
Classes (Bachelors)
○Student-Initiated Project(2017)
○Fundamental Physics 1(2017)
○Electrical Measurements(2017)
○Fundamental Physics 1(2016)
○Communication Systems(2016)
○Electrical Measurements(2016)
○Student-Initiated Project(2016)
Classes (Graduate Schools)
○Advanced Nanoscale Measurement Technology(2017)
○Advanced Nanoscale Measurement Technology(2017)
○Advanced Nanoscale Measurement Technology(2017)
○Fundamentals of Nanoscale Measurements and Control A(2017)
○Advanced Nanoscale Measurement Technology(2017)
○Advanced Super-resolution AFM Measurement(2017)
○Fundamentals of Nanoscale Measurements and Control A(2016)
○Advanced Super-resolution AFM Measurement(2016)
○Advanced Nanoscale Measurement Technology(2016)