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Researcher Information

last modified:2024/10/18

Professor SAKAMOTO Jiro

Mail Laboratory Website
Laboratory Website

Faculty, Affiliation

Advanced Manufacturing Technology Institute
Adviser to the President for Community and Industry-University Collaboration
Director General, Institute for Frontier Science Initiative
Dean of Graduate School of Frontier Science Initiative
See researchmap for the latest information

College and School Educational Field

Division of Transdisciplinary Sciences,Graduate School of Frontier Science Initiative
Division of Frontier Engineering, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
Division of Transdisciplinary Sciences, Graduate School of Frontier Science Initiative
Division of Mechanical Science and Engineering, Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology
School of Smart Technology and Innovation, College of Transdisciplinary Sciences for Innovation
School of Frontier Engineering, College of Science and Engineering


Bionic Design Laboratory TEL:076-234-4667 FAX:076-234-4668

Academic Background

【Academic background(Doctoral/Master's Degree)】
Kanazawa University Master Graduate School, Division of Engineering 1988 Completed
【Academic background(Bachelor's Degree)】
Kanazawa University 1986
Master of Engineering.


Kanazawa University Graduate School of Frontier Science Initiative Dean of the Graduate School(2022/04-)
Kanazawa University Frontier Science and Social Co-creation Initiative Deputy Director(2020/04-2024/03)
Kanazawa University Advanced Manufacturing Technology Institute Professor(2019/06-)
Kanazawa University Advisor to the President (joint post)(2014/04-)
Kanazawa University Institute for Frontier Science Initiative Professor (joint post)(2019/06-2021/03)
Kanazawa University Institute for Frontier Science Initiative Professor(2016/08-2019/05)
Kanazawa University School of Science and Engineering, College of Mechanical Engineering Professor(2008/05/01-2016/07/31)
Kanazawa University Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology Associate Professor(2007/04/01-2008/04/30)
Kanazawa University Graduate School of Natural Science and Technology Associate Professor(2000/04/01-2007/03/31)
Kanazawa University Faculty of Engineering Associate Professor(1999/04/01-2000/03/31)
MEXT Overseas Research Fellow University of Iowa, USA Research Fellow(1995/03/25-1996/03/24)
Kanazawa University Faculty of Engineering Research Associate(1988/04/01-1999/03/31)

Year & Month of Birth


Academic Society

The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers
Japan Society of Design Engineering
The Society for Nursing Science and Engineering
Japan Society of Clinical Biomechanics
Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering
Japanese Society for Muscloskeletal Medicine
Asian Pacific Association for Biomechanics (APAB)
International Society of Biomechanics


○Prize for Scientific Effort in 2019, Bioengineering Division, JSME(2020/06)
○ISFA 2018 Best Paper Awards (Application)(2018/06)
○120th Anniversary Commendation Award, JSME(2017/11)
○2017 KAKENHI review committee award(2017/10)
○5th Nature Industry Award : Special Award(2016/11/30)
○Best Poster Award of 4th Annual Meeting of the Society for Nursing Science and Engineering(2016/10/10)
○JSME Hokuriku Shinetsu Branch Excellent Lecture Award (JSME Fellow Award)(2016/03/05)
○JBSE Graphics of the Year Awards 2010(2011/01/01)
○Best Oral Presentation Award of Osteoporosis Society Japan(2007/11)
○JSME Medal for Outstanding Paper(2004/04/09)
○The Seguchi Prize of JSME Bioengineering Division(2000/01/13)
○NCP SEGUCHI Frontier Award(1993/12/12)
○ASME Electronic Packaging, Best Paper(1992/04/09)
○JSME Hatakeyama Award(1986/03/01)


Design engineering/Machine functional elements/Tribology、Materials/Mechanics of materials、Biomedical engineering/Biomaterial science and engineering、Production engineering/Processing studies

Speciality Keywords

Design Engineering,Production engineering,Transdisciplinary Sciences,Machine Tools,Cultural Heritage Studies,Orthopaedics,Nursing Science and Engineering,Computer Simulation,Biomimetics,Biomechanics,Optimum Design,Computational Mechanics

Research Themes

A study on patient-specific modeling and mechanical analysis of bone

A study on patient-specific modeling and mechanical analysis of bone The patient-specific individual analysis is ideal for clinical application of biomechanical analysis of bone, because the shape of bone and the tissue morphology is various depending on the person. In the study, the mechanical analysis model by whom the shape of bone and the tissue morphology are faithful to the patient is made based on the medical images such as CT and MRI, the loading condition corresponding to the patient state is given to it furthermore, and it aims at the establishment of the mechanics analysis technique to obtain a useful result for clinical. (Left figure shows a color contour map display against three osteoporosis patients as stress-strength ratio obtained by the analysis, when the load of 100Kgf apply to the first lumbar vertebra. The spine fracture risk of each patient is quantitatively appreciable.)

A study on biomechanics of musculoskeletal system on spine

A study on biomechanics of musculoskeletal system on spine Human came to have various mechanical problems in the spine by standing upright. Although the structure, that a long and slender spine column supports a heavy head, is unstable while standing upright, the posture is kept by working the muscle and the ligament around the spine. The bone and the muscle cooperated as a musculoskeletal system support the load of the upper part of the body. However, once the mechanical balance of the musculoskeletal system gets worse by sick or aging, the influence appears as back pain and various spondylosises. In the study, it has aimed that the mechanical factor of the spine trouble is searched by analyzing the mechanics of the musculoskeletal system of the spine, and the treatment method is examined. (Left figure shows the research to which a mechanical influence of the posture change by the compression fracture of vertebrae is evaluated by the musculoskeletal simulation of the spine. )

A study on plant biomechanics

A study on plant biomechanics The plant has been evolved the material property and the structure of the organization to adapt to surrounding mechanical environment, because it doesn't have the motor organ like the muscle of animal. Ingenious adaptation of their material and structures to loading condition is observed by investigation of mechanical property and strength of the plant. The method of mechanical adaptation of the plant gives us the new paradigm to the strength design of the mechanical structure. In this research, it has aimed to analyze the plant mechanically, and to obtain the new idea of mechanical design through the investigation of the adaptability and the optimality of the plant. (Left figure shows the example of researching the mechanism of a high-speed movement of the plant fruits that burst and scatter the seed. )


  •  Sakamoto J Architecture form and mechanical kansei Architectural Institute of Japan, Maruzen Publishing 2014/03
  •  J. Sakamoto,J. Oda,A. Kaneuji,T. Matsumoto,T. Sugimori,M. N Ishino,K. Tomita,M. Fujita Human Biomechanics and Injury Prevention Springer Science & Business Media 2013/04/17
  •  K. Aoyama,J. Sakamoto Clinical Biomechanics and Related Research Springer Science & Business Media, 2012/12/06
  •  Kanazawa University Design,Education Group Creative Machine Design Using 3D CAD / CAE / CAM -Design / Production Using SolidWorks- NIKKAN KOGYO SHIMBUN 2009/08
  •  Sakamoto J Fiber Super Biomimetics -Creating New Technologies in the Near Future- NTS 2006/10

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  •  T.Akamaru, N.Kawahara, J.Sakamoto, A.Yoshida, H.Murakami, T.Hato, S.Awamori, J.Oda, K.Tomita The transmission of stress to grafted bone inside a titanium mesh cage used in anterior column reconstruction after total spondylectomy: A finite-element analysis 30 24 2783-2787 2005/12
  •  Oda J,Sakamoto J Structural and material mechanics BAIFUKAN 2002/05
  •  Oda J,Sakamoto J,Tanaka S Bioengineering and Bionic Design BAIFUKAN 2002/11
  •  Oda J,Sakamoto J,Aoyama K,Sueyoshi Y,Tomita K,Sawaguchi T Biomechanics -Functional Adaptation and Remodeling- Springer, Tokyo 1996/03
  •  J. Sakamoto,J. Oda Structural Optimization Computational Mechanics Publications 1995/09
  •  Oda J,Sakamoto J,Tada Y,Nakayasu H,Miki M,Murotsu Y,Yamazaki K Optimum design of structure and materials GIHODO SHUPPAN 1989/09


  •  Prediction of post-embolization recurrence in internal carotid-posterior communicating aneurysms with Vel-PointNet Jing LIAO,Jiro SAKAMOTO,Kouichi MISAKI,Prarinya SIRITANAWAN,Kazunori KOTANI Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering 18 2 22-00471 2023/02 
  •  Influence of forward head posture on muscle activation pattern of the trapezius pars descendens muscle in young adults. Yuichi Nishikawa,Kohei Watanabe,Takanori Chihara,Jiro Sakamoto,Toshihiko Komatsuzaki,Kenji Kawano,Akira Kobayashi,Kazumi Inoue,Noriaki Maeda,Shinobu Tanaka,Allison Hyngstrom Scientific reports 12 1 19484 2022/11/14
  •  Generating deceleration behavior of automatic driving by reinforcement learning that reflects passenger discomfort Takanori Chihara,Jiro Sakamoto International Journal of Industrial Ergonomics 91 103343 2022/09
  •  The influence of pelvic tilt on stress distribution in the acetabulum: finite element analysis Kazuhiro Hasegawa,Tamon Kabata,Yoshitomo Kajino,Daisuke Inoue,Jiro Sakamoto,Hiroyuki Tsuchiya BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders 22 1 2021/12 
  •  An experimental and simulation-based evaluation of the effect of seat angle on muscle load for perching Takanori CHIHARA,Kohei SEKINE,Takahiro TANAKA,Jiro SAKAMOTO,Kenji KAWANO,Takashi KAWAGOE Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese) 87 899 21 2021/07 

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  •  Proposal of a computational modeling method of curved origami structures based on finite element analysis models with truss elements for creases modeling Makoto ITO,Kaoru ENDO,Jiro SAKAMOTO Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese) 87 896 p. 20-00417 2021/04 
  •  Exerted force estimation using a wearable sensor during manual material handling Takanori Chihara,Jiro Sakamoto Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries 31 3 239 2020/12/17 
  •  Evaluation of mental workload during automobile driving using one-class support vector machine with eye movement data Takanori Chihara,Fumihiro Kobayashi,Jiro Sakamoto Applied Ergonomics 89 103201 2020/11
  •  Bioinspired cane design and production using braiding technology Jiro SAKAMOTO,Takanori CHIHARA,Tomonari AZUMA,Toshiyasu KINARI,Satoshi KITAYAMA,Mitsugu KIMIZU,Hiroyuki HASEBE,Daisuke MORI Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering 16 1 20-00402 2021/01 
  •  Estimation of mental workload during automobile driving based on eye-movement measurement with a visible light camera CHIHARA Takanori,KOBAYASHI Fumihiro,SAKAMOTO Jiro Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese) 86 881 19 2020
  •  Shape optimization of screwdriver handle for improving grasping comfort of precision and power grips Chihara, T,Seo, A,Sakamoto, J Human Factors and Ergonomics in Manufacturing & Service Industries 29 6 485 2019/11
  •  A novel approach to bi-objective optimization of touch-screen installation position for minimizing physical workload and increasing screen visibility Takanori Chihara,Akihiko Seo,Jiro Sakamoto Applied Ergonomics 81 2019/11 
  •  Effect of repetitive elbow holding tasks with low-level muscular exertion on perceived muscle discomfort Takanori Chihara,Ayana Nozawa,Akihiko Seo,Jiro Sakamoto Human Factors and Ergonomics In Manufacturing 29 312 2019/06 
  •  Experimental Study on Hoop Stress Affecting Braided Carbon Fiber Reinforced Plastics Subjected to Internal Pressure Nanang Endriatno,Kento KAWAI,Takuru SUEHIRO,Satoshi KITAYAMA,Jiro SAKAMOTO,Toshiyasu KINARI Journal of Textile Engineering 65 1 11 2019/02/15 
  •  Effect of age-related muscle weakness and height on L5/S1 compression force during manual material handling CHIHARA Takanori,IWAHARA Kazuhiro,SAKAMOTO Jiro Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese) 85 876 19 2019
  •  Effect of design changes of automobile cabin in the virtual reality space on visual spaciousness CHIHARA Takanori,SAKAMOTO Jiro Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese) 85 880 19 2019
  •  3D Adaptive Combined DE/FE Algorithm for Analyzing Impact Fracture of Laminated Glass Xu, W,Zang, M,Sakamoto, J,Zhang, S International Journal of Computational Methods 16 4 1850101 2018/04
  •  Influence of heat in multi-tasking machine bed and its analytical technique Kenichi Nakanishi,Manabu Sawada,Jiro Sakamoto International Journal of Automation Technology 12 2 254 2018
  •  Optimum design of cross-sectional sizes for thin steel plate columns considering buckling using the finite strip method and evolutionary computing J. Sakamoto,K. Kobayashi,S. Kitayama,N. Shimizu Transactions of the JSME (in Japanese) 83 854 17-00212 2017/10
  •  Estimation of Optimal Handrail Position for Elderly based on Digital Human Modeling Simulation Chihara, T,Seo, S,Sakamoto, J The Japanese journal of ergonomics 53 Supplement2 S640 2017/09
  •  Modeling Mixed Mode Fracture of Concrete by Using the Combined Discrete and Finite Elements Method Wei Xu,Mengyan Zang,Jiro Sakamoto INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL METHODS 13 1 No.1650007 2016/02
  •  A newly developed multi-axis controlled turning machine equipped with a swing type turret head Kenichi Nakanishi,Manabu Sawada,Jiro Sakamoto International Journal of Automation Technology 9 6 707 2015/11/01
  •  The effect of kyphotic deformity because of vertebral fracture: a finite element analysis of a 10 degrees and 20 degrees wedge-shaped vertebral fracture model Yoshiyuki Okamoto,Hideki Murakami,Satoru Demura,Satoshi Kato,Katsuhito Yoshioka,Hiroyuki Hayashi,Jiro Sakamoto,Norio Kawahara,Hiroyuki Tsuchiya SPINE JOURNAL 15 4 713 2015/04
  •  Osteogenic effect of electrical muscle stimulation : Verification of the effect by finite element analysis of bone strain Yuma YOROZUYA,Jiro SAKAMOTO,Shigeo M. TANAKA 34 71 2013 
  •  Biomechanical assessment of changes in vertebral strength in osteoporosis during drug treatment by patient-specific CT-based finite element analysis D. Tawara,J. Sakamoto,H. Murakami,N. Kawahara Japanese Journal of Clinical Biomechanics (in Japanese) 32 113 2011/10 
  •  Stress analysis of the spinal cord in circumspinal decompression: on influence of nerve root Y. Endo,J. Sakamoto,T. Okayama,H. Murakami,N. Kawahara,K. Tomita Japanese Journal of Clinical Biomechanics (in Japanese) 32 161-166 2011/10 
  •  Development and validity of a new model for assessing pressure redistribution properties of support surfaces Junko Matsuo,Junko Sugama,Hiromi Sanada,Mayumi Okuwa,Toshio Nakatani,Chizuko Konya,Jirou Sakamoto JOURNAL OF TISSUE VIABILITY 20 2 55 2011/05
  •  Patient-specific finite element analyses detect significant mechanical therapeutic effects on osteoporotic vertebrae during a three-year treatment Daisuke Tawara,Jiro Sakamoto,Hideki Murakami,Norio Kawahara,Katsuro Tomita Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering 6 4 248 2011
  •  A Mechanical Analysis of Femoral Resurfacing Implantation for Osteonecrosis of the Femoral Head Daigo Sakagoshi,Tamon Kabata,Yuichiro Umemoto,Jiro Sakamoto,Katsuro Tomita JOURNAL OF ARTHROPLASTY 25 8 1282 2010/12
  •  Preface of Special Issue on Biomechanical Modeling and Computer Simulation for Medical Application J. Sakamoto Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering 5 5 484 2010/11
  •  A biomechanical study on burst mechanisms of plant fruit: Stress analysis of pericarps before bursting Yasuhiro Endo,Jiro Sakamoto,Yuki Kashiwano,Hideo Yokota,Sakiko Nakamura,Eichiro Kinoshita JOURNAL OF THE MECHANICAL BEHAVIOR OF BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS 3 7 512 2010/10
  •  Mechanical evaluation by patient-specific finite element analyses demonstrates therapeutic effects for osteoporotic vertebrae Daisuke Tawara,Jiro Sakamoto,Hideki Murakami,Norio Kawahara,Juhachi Oda,Katsuro Tomita JOURNAL OF THE MECHANICAL BEHAVIOR OF BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS 3 1 31 2010/01
  •  Mechanical therapeutic effects in osteoporotic L1-vertebrae evaluated by nonlinear patient-specific finite element analysis Daisuke Tawara,Jiro Sakamoto,Hideki Murakami,Norio Kawahara,Juhachi Oda,Katsuro Tomita Journal of Biomechanical Science and Engineering 5 5 499 2010
  •  Stress Analysis of the Spinal Cord in Circumspinal Decompression T. Mizuo,J. Sakamoto,T. Okayama,H. Murakami,N. Kawahara,K. Tomita Japanese Journal of Clinical Biomechanics (in Japanese) 30 197 2009/11
  •  Mechanical Analysis of Influence of Spinal Fixation on Vertebral Loading by Using Musculoskeletal Simulation Y. Fukui,J. Sakamoto,H. Murakami,N. Kawahara,K. Tomita Japanese Journal of Clinical Biomechanics (in Japanese) 30 185 2009/11
  •  脊椎圧迫骨折による後弯を考慮した脊柱の筋骨格力学解析 坂本二郎,村上英樹,川原範夫,富田勝郎 Japanese Journal of Clinical Biomechanics (in Japanese) 29 293 2008/11 
  •  骨粗鬆症性椎体における薬物療法の力学的効果 村上英樹,川原範夫,坂本二郎,桜井佑輔,田原大輔,尾田十八,富田勝郎 Osteoporosis Japan 16 2 287 2008/04 
  •  野球ボールの衝撃力と上腕損傷に関する研究 酒井忍,尾田十八,米村茂,坂本二郎 Transactions of the JSME (A) (in Japanese) 73 734 1177 2007/10 
  •  骨粗鬆性脊椎骨折に対する骨切り矯正術に関する有限要素法を用いた力学的解析 羽藤泰三,川原範夫,村上英樹,赤丸智之,田原大輔,坂本二郎,尾田十八,富田勝郎 The Journal of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association 81 9 730 2007/09
  •  Finite-element analysis on closing-opening correction osteotomy for angular kyphosis of osteoporotic vertebral fractures Taizo Hato,Norio Kawahara,Katsuro Tomita,Hideki Murakami,Tomoyuki Akamaru,Daisuke Tawara,Jiro Sakamoto,Juhachi Oda,Shigenori Tanaka JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SCIENCE 12 4 354 2007/07
  •  ビスフォスフォネートが骨粗鬆症性脊椎の骨強度に及ぼす効果 村上英樹,川原範夫,桜井佑輔,坂本二郎,田原大輔,富田勝郎 Osteoporosis Japan 15 2 223 2007/04 
  •  A Study on Bio-fidelity Improvement of a Commercial Human Pelvis FE Model by Applying Material Properties of the Human Coxal Bone based on CT Scans KO Cheolwoong,KONOSU Atsuhiro,YUKITA Yukihiro,SAKAMOTO Jiro Transactions of the Society of Automotive Engineers of Japan 37 5 173 2006/09 
  •  Mechanical evaluation of the skeletal structure and tissue of the woodpecker and its shock absorbing system Juhachi Oda,Jiro Sakamoto,Kenichi Sakano JSME INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL SERIES A-SOLID MECHANICS AND MATERIAL ENGINEERING 49 3 390 2006/07
  •  骨粗鬆性脊椎に対するビスフォスフォネートと活性型ビタミンD3併用療法の力学的効果 村上英樹,川原範夫,坂本二郎,田原大輔,粟森世里奈,富田勝郎,尾田十八 Osteoporosis Japan 14 4 241 2006/04 
  •  Investigation of Vertebral Fracture Risk Evaluation in Osteoporosis by Patient-Specific Finite Element Analysis TAWARA Daisuke,SAKAMOTO Jiro,KANAZAWA Hideyasu,SEKIMOTO Atsushi,AWAMORI Serina,MURAKAMI Hideki,KAWAHARA Norio,ODA Juhachi,TOMITA Katsuro Transactions of the JSME (A) (in Japanese) 72 714 255 2006/02 
  •  A study on development of a human pelvis FE model by applying in-vivo CT information of the human coxal bone Cheolwoong Ko,Atsuhiro Konosu,Jiro Sakamoto,Yukihiro Yukita SAE Technical Papers 1 2006-01-0463 2006
  •  The transmission of stress to grafted bone inside a titanium mesh cage used in anterior column reconstruction after total spondylectomy: A finite-element analysis Tomoyuki Akamaru,Norio Kawahara,Jiro Sakamoto,Akira Yoshida,Hideki Murakami,Taizo Hato,Serina Awamori,Juhachi Oda,Katsuro Tomita Spine 30 24 2783 2005/12
  •  ビスフォスフォネートと活性型ビタミンD3の併用療法が骨粗鬆性脊椎に及ぼす力学的効果(第1報) 村上英樹,川原範夫,坂本二郎,田原大輔,粟森世里奈,富田勝郎,尾田十八 Osteoporosis Japan 13 4 931 2005/10 
  •  Finite element analysis considering material inhomogeneousness of bone using "ADVENTURE system" Daisuke Tawara,Jiro Sakamoto,Juhachi Oda JSME International Journal, Series C: Mechanical Systems, Machine Elements and Manufacturing 48 2 292 2005/06
  •  キツツキの骨格構造・組織の力学的評価と耐衝撃システムについて 尾田十八,坂本二郎,坂野憲一 Transactions of the JSME (A) (in Japanese) 71 701 89 2005/01 
  •  計算力学システムADVENTUREによる生体骨の非均質性を考慮した有限要素解析 田原大輔,坂本二郎,尾田十八 Transactions of the JSME (A) (in Japanese) 70 697 1163 2004/09 
  •  コークスの3次元多孔質モデルによる組織形態と力学的特性との関係について 尾田十八,坂本二郎,木村繁治,板垣省三,深田喜代志 Transactions of the JSME (A) (in Japanese) 70 690 177 2004/02 
  •  A Study on Development of the Total Hip Prosthesis Design Fitted for Japanese Patients (2nd Report, Shape Accuracy Estimation of the Femur CAD Model and Improvement in the Canal Fill Ratio of Prosthesis) Jiro Sakamoto,Juhachi Oda,Yukinori Hasegawa,Tanzou Sugimori,Ayumi Kaneuji,Tadami Matsumoto,Mitsuru Nishino,Masahiko Fujita,Katsuro Tomita Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, A Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part A 70 697 1186 2004
  •  Reconstruction after total sacrectomy using a new instrumentation technique - A biomechanical comparison N Kawahara,H Murakami,A Yoshida,J Sakamoto,J Oda,K Tomita SPINE 28 14 1567 2003/07
  •  A Study of Mechanical Evaluation of Reconstruction Method After Total en Bloc Spondylectomy SAKAMOTO Jiro,ODA Juhachi,KAKUUCHI Atsushi,AKAMARU Tomoyuki,KAWAHARA Norio,TOMITA Katsuro Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B 69 677 128 2003/01/25 
  •  Biomechanical evaluation of reconstructed lumbosacral spine after total sacrectomy Hideki Murakami,Norio Kawahara,Katsuro Tomita,Jiro Sakamoto,Juhachi Oda Journal of Orthopaedic Science 7 6 658 2002
  •  Mechanical evaluation of reconstructed structures after total sacrectomy and their improvement J Sakamoto,J Oda,Y Nagashima,A Yoshida,H Murakami,N Kawahara,K Tomita JSME INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL SERIES C-MECHANICAL SYSTEMS MACHINE ELEMENTS AND MANUFACTURING 44 4 1051 2001/12
  •  仙骨全摘術後再建モデルにおける力学的研究 吉田 晃,川原範夫,村上英樹,富田勝郎,坂本二郎,尾田十八 Japanese Journal of Clinical Biomechanics (in Japanese) 22 249 2001/09
  •  仙骨全摘出術後再建構造の力学的評価とその改良 尾田十八,坂本二郎,長嶌雄士,村上英樹,吉田 晃,川原範夫,富田勝郎 Transactions of the JSME (A) (in Japanese) 67 655 588 2001/03 
  •  CAD system を用いた大腿骨形態計測法の正確性に関する研究 杉森端三,松本忠美,西野 暢,兼氏 歩,尾田十八,坂本二郎 Japanese Journal of Clinical Biomechanics (in Japanese) 21 87 2000/10
  •  A study on development of the total hip prosthesis design fitted for Japanese patients with secondary osteoarthrosis J Sakamoto,J Oda,A Kaneuji,T Mastumoto,T Sugimori,M Nishino,K Tomita,M Fujita HUMAN BIOMECHANICS AND INJURY PREVENTION 249 2000
  •  A study on development of the total hip prosthesis design fitted for Japanese patients (prosthetic stem designs based on geometric classification of proximal femur with secondary osteoarthrosis) Juhachi Oda,Jiro Sakamoto,Shogo Hamatani,Ayumi Kanauji,Tadami Matsumoto,Mitsuru Nishino,Toshinori Miura,Tanzou Sugimori,Katsuro Tomita,Masahiko Fujita Nihon Kikai Gakkai Ronbunshu, A Hen/Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers, Part A 66 645 1068 2000
  •  仙骨全摘術後再建モデルの力学解析とその評価 坂本二郎,尾田十八,村上英樹,川原範夫,富田勝郎 Japanese Journal of Clinical Biomechanics (in Japanese) 20 29 1999/10
  •  日本人変形性股関節症例における近位大腿骨髄腔形態の三次元解析 兼氏 歩,松本忠美,西野 暢,三浦利則,杉森端三,富田勝郎,尾田十八,坂本二郎,藤田正彦 Hip Joint 25 343 1999/10
  •  Example Program of Recurrent Education "3D-CAD/CAE" YAMAZAKI Koetsu,SAKAMOTO Jiro,SAKAI Shinobu Journal of Jsee 47 4 29 1999/07/09 
  •  創外固定された脛骨骨折部の力学的特性の推定法に関する研究 尾田十八,坂本二郎,酒井卓巳,末吉泰信,富田勝郎 Transactions of the JSME (A) (in Japanese) 64 625 2423 1998/09 
  •  Applications of FEM for multiple laminated structure in electronic packaging J Oda,J Sakamoto FINITE ELEMENTS IN ANALYSIS AND DESIGN 30 1-2 147 1998/07
  •  脊椎全摘術におけるインストゥルメントの力学的評価 尾田十八,坂本二郎,剣持 悟,富田勝郎,川原範夫,池渕公博,末吉泰信 Transactions of the JSME (A) (in Japanese) 63 607 650 1997/03 
  •  Biomechanical study of the spine after total en bloc spondylectomy IKEBUCHI Kimihiro 17 109 1996/10/01 
  •  A Biomecanical Evaluation of The Gamma Nail by FEM HASHIMOTO Isao 16 209 1995/10/01 
  •  Generalized Theory of Mechanical Adaptive Bone Modeling and its Application SAKAMOTO Jiro 16 83 1995/10/01 
  •  Biomechanical Study of the Spine after Total en bloc Spondylectomy IKEBUCHI Kimihiro 16 273 1995/10/01 
  •  Convenient Equations for Thermal Stress Analysis of Electronic Device Leads Using Beam Theory ODA Juhachi,SAKAMOTO Jiro,ABE Shingo Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B 61 584 855 1995/04/25 
  •  Simulation of adaptive bone remodeling by using cellular automata J Sakamoto,J Oda STRUCTURAL OPTIMIZATION 93 1995
  •  Bone Formation in vivo due to Mechanical Stimulation and its Evaluation Oda Juhachi,Sakamoto Jiro,Kobayashi Hiroaki,Tomita Katurou,Sawaguchi Takeshi,Sueyoshi Yasunobu,Aoyama Kazuhiro Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers. Series B. 60 579 p3775 1994/11 
  •  Design Sensitivity Analysis of Three-Dimensional Body by Boundary Element Method and Its Application to Shape Optimization. Yamazaki Koetsu,Sakamoto Jiro,Kitano Masami Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B 59 558 400 1993 
  •  Technique for Determination of Optimal Truss Layout Using Genetic Algorithm. Sakamoto Jiro,Oda Juhachi Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B 59 562 1568 1993 
  •  Considerations of Dynamic Stresses of Bone-Cartilage Models Applied by Impact Load. ODA Juhachi,SAKAMOTO Jiro,TOMITA Katsuro,SUEYOSHI Yasunobu,KIDA Sotoaki Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B 58 551 1048 1992 
  •  Reduction Effect of Impact Stress Wave Propagating in Porous Medium. ODA Juhachi,SAKAMOTO Jirou,KIDA Sotoaki,KAKISHIMA Hiroyuki Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B 58 551 1055 1992 
  •  Analysis of Three-Dimensional Elastic Contact Problems by Applying the Boundary Element Method. YAMAZAKI Koetsu,SAKAMOTO Jiro,TAKUMI Shoji Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B 57 540 1858 1991 
  •  Design Variable Reduction Technique for Shape Optimization by Boundary Element Method. YAMAZAKI Koetsu,SAKAMOTO Jiro,ODA Juhachi,LIN Wen-jun Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B 57 542 2451 1991 
  •  The minimum compliance technique for shell structures. Plate thickness variance approach and its applications. ODA Juhachi,YAMAZAKI Kouetsu,SAKAMOTO Jirou,ABE Junpei,MATSUMOTO Masahide Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B 57 536 1005 1991 
  •  Three-point tensile test method to evaluate Young's moduli of thin films. ODA Juhachi,YAMADA Kouji,SKAMOTO Jiro,KUBOTA Takashi Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B 57 535 686 1991 
  •  Comparison between Boundary Element Sensitivity Analysis Techniques and Their Application to Minimum Weight Shape Optimization. YAMAZAKI Koetsu,SAKAMOTO Jio Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B 57 540 1910 1991 
  •  Thermal Stresses in ICs Molded by Resin and Their Evaluations. ODA Juhachi,SAKAMOTO Jirou,KUBOTA Takashi,YAMADA Kouji Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B 57 541 2050 1991 
  •  An Efficient Shape Optimization of Minimum Weight Design by Boundary Element Method. YAMAZAKI Koetsu,SAKAMOTO Jiro,ODA Juhachi,KITANO Masami Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B 57 544 2992 1991 
  •  Finite element method for multiple laminated structures and its applications. ODA Juhachi,SAKAMOTO Jirou,KUBOTA Takashi,YAMADA Kouji Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B 57 535 659 1991 
  •  On a method of obtaining uniform stress distributions for composite components with interference fits. ODA Juhachi,SAKAMOTO Jirou,SAN Kyaw Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B 56 525 1226 1990 
  •  An analysis of thermal stresses or strains in the electronic circuit board models. ODA Juhachi,SAKAMOTO Jirou Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B 56 524 861 1990 
  •  On optimum frame structures of a motor cycle. ODA Juhachi,YAMAZAKI Kouetsu,SAKAMOTO Jirou,ABE Junpei,MATSUMOTO Masahide Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B 55 518 2195 1989 
  •  A general-purpose programming system for optimum structural design. ODA Juhachi,YAMAZAKI Kouetsu,SAKAMOTO Jirou,ABE Junpei,MATSUMOTO Masahide Transactions of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers Series B 54 500 847 1988 

Conference Presentations

  • Mechanical evaluation of screw fixation position of osteosynthesis device for proximal femoral fracture(conference:The 48th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society for Clinical Biomechanics)(2021/11/05)
  • A Study of Optimum Design Method Utilizing the Features of Growth Adaptive Topology Optimization(conference:Japan Society for Design Engineering 2021 Annual Autumn Research Meeting)(2021/10/02)
  • A study on the shape of crab scissors and their mechanical adaptability(conference:33rd Bioengineering Conference Annual Meeting of Bioengineering Division/JSME)(2021/06/25)
  • Study on the mechanical influence of non-joint ligaments in the giraffe cervical spine(conference:33rd Bioengineering Conference Annual Meeting of Bioengineering Division/JSME)(2021/06/25)
  • Discomfort assessment with pupil diameter transition on decelerating condition in an autonomous car(conference:Hokuriku-Shinetsu Branch General Meeting and Lecture Meeting, JSME)(2021)

show all

  • Effect of design changes of automobile interior on spatial perception in virtual reality space(conference:The 60th Conference of Japan Ergonomics Society)(2019/06)
  • Mechanical evaluation of pressure ulcer prevention mattress by musculoskeletal simulation(conference:4th REC BIZ-NET Seminar)(2019/10/02)
  • Musculoskeletal Analysis of the Neck Swing Motion of Giraffe for Considering Function of the Ligaments(conference:10th Asian-Pacific Conference on Biomechanics)(2019/11/02)
  • A study on mechanical evaluation of crab’s chela(conference:The 32nd Bioengineering Conference of JSME (Annual Meeting of BED/JSME))(2019/12/21)
  • Estimation of exerted force in manual lifting task using wearable device(conference:The 32nd Bioengineering Conference of JSME (Annual Meeting of BED/JSME))(2019/12/21)
  • Evaluation of the influence of sit-standing posture on muscle load by experiment and simulation(conference:The 32nd Bioengineering Conference of JSME (Annual Meeting of BED/JSME))(2019/12/21)
  • A pilot Study on Estimation of Mental Workload during Automobile Driving using Image Sensor(conference:The Proceedings of Conference of Hokuriku-Shinetsu Branch)(2019/03/02)
  • Bio-innovative design using bone shape and its application(conference:KSME/JSME Joint Symposium in 2019 Annual Bioengineering Conference)(2019/04/26)
  • Musculoskeletal analysis of the Giraffe's neck with neck swinging(conference:The 31st Bioengineering Conference of JSME (Annual Meeting of BED/JSME))(2018/12)
  • Development of thermal deformation analysis model of multitasking machine tool with turrets considering bed(conference:The 31st Computational Mechanics Conference of JSME)(2018/11)
  • Posture estimation method for digital human modeling with considering the effect of working position and exerted hand force(conference:The 28th Design & Systems Conference of JSME)(2018/11)
  • Evaluation of Grasping Comfort for Screw Driver Considering Individual Differences and its Optimization(conference:JSME OPTIS 2018 (13th Optimization Symposium of JSME))(2018/10)
  • Optimum design of cross-sectional sizes for lip groove-shaped steel considering compression and bending load by using evolutional computation(conference:JSME OPTIS 2018 (13th Optimization Symposium of JSME))(2018/10)
  • Study on analysis method in high-efficiency design in multi-task machine design(conference:2018 The Japan Society of Precision Engineering Autumn Meeting)(2018/09)
  • Application to elucidation of the cause of failure by simulation of fracture of archeological remains(conference:9th Mechanical Finder User Research Seminar)(2018/07/14)
  • Effect of height and age on low back workload at manual material handling(conference:The 59th Conference of Japan Ergonomics Society)(2018/06)
  • A study of optimum design for prosthetic socket by basis vector method(conference:The 30th Bioengineering Conference of JSME (Annual Meeting of BED/JSME))(2017/12)
  • The mechanical evaluation of pressure ulcer prevention air-mattress by numerical analysis and understanding the characteristic(conference:The 30th Bioengineering Conference of JSME (Annual Meeting of BED/JSME))(2017/12)
  • A study on seed ejection motion of Orixa Japonica by finite element analysis.(conference:The 30th Bioengineering Conference of JSME (Annual Meeting of BED/JSME))(2017/12)
  • Influence of touch screen installation position and button size on workload(conference:The 27th Design & Systems Conference of JSME)(2017/10)
  • Development of "flexible cane" by bio-innovative design(conference:8th Mechanical Finder User Research Seminar)(2017/07/15)
  • Musculoskeletal Simulation for Clinical Biomechanics and Animal Science(conference:2017 Spring Conference of Bioengineering Division of KSME (The Korean Society of Mechanical Engineers))(2017/04/27)
  • Study on optimum design of rib arrangement considering buckling in panel structure(conference:The 92nd Annual Conference of JSME Kansai Branch)(2017/03)
  • A study on finite-element analysis of curved folding structure and its application(conference:The 92nd Annual Conference of JSME Kansai Branch)(2017/03)
  • Development of a phantom buttocks model for mechanical evaluation of body pressure dispersion mattresses(conference:The 29th Bioengineering Conference of JSME (Annual Meeting of BED/JSME))(2017/01)
  • A study of modeling method for shape optimization of prosthetic sockets(conference:The 29th Bioengineering Conference of JSME (Annual Meeting of BED/JSME))(2017/01)
  • A Study on Efficiency of the Bedsore Prevention Mattress by Using Musculoskeletal Models(conference:The 29th Bioengineering Conference of JSME (Annual Meeting of BED/JSME))(2017/01)
  • Development of the Bio-Innovative Design Technology Using Bone Shape and Its Applications(conference:The 29th Bioengineering Conference of JSME (Annual Meeting of BED/JSME))(2017/01)
  • On a Mechanical Analysis for Considering Seed Ejection Mechanism of an Autochory Plant(conference:The 29th Bioengineering Conference of JSME (Annual Meeting of BED/JSME))(2017/01)
  • Modeling Method of the Bone for Bio-Innovative Design Technology.(conference:The 27th JSME Conference on Frontiers in Bioengineering)(2016/10)
  • Bio-innovative design -Engineering design based on biological morphology-(conference:7th Mechanical Finder User Research Seminar)(2016/07/16)
  • Finite Element Method as a Tool for Bone Mechanics Analysis (Panel Discussion: Advances and Prospects of Biomechanics Analysis - Finite Element Method -)(conference:The 89th Annual Meeting of the Japanese Orthopaedic Association)(2016/05/15)
  • Mechanical Evaluation of the Body Pressure Dispersion Mattresses by using Musculoskeletal Model(conference:Conference of Hokuriku-Shinetsu Branch)(2016/03/05)
  • Construction of Bone Database for Bio-Innovative Design Technology(conference:Conference of Hokuriku-Shinetsu Branch)(2016/03/05)
  • Development of Structural Optimization Program for the Panel Structures considering Buckling and Evaluation of its Effectiveness(conference:Conference of Hokuriku-Shinetsu Branch)(2016/03/05)
  • Seeding Strategy of the Autochore Plant and Bursting Mechanism of the Fruits(conference:8th Plant Biomechanics International Conference)(2015/12/02)
  • Development of finite element model of buttocks for clarification of mechanism for improvement of pelvic relaxation by a supportive underwear(conference:The 26th JSME Conference on Frontiers in Bioengineering)(2015/10)
  • A Study on Development of a Hip Finite-Element Model for Mechanical Evaluation of Body Pressure Dispersion Mattresses(conference:Proc. Annual Meeting, Hokuriku Shinetsu Branch, Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers)(2014/03/01)
  • Living Things and optimization -On the optimum structure and optimization method-(conference:Quint Exchange Meeting 2014)(2014/09/12)
  • On the fast opening motion of autochory plant fruit and its optimality (Workshop: Deployment structure seen from living things and its application to space structure)(conference:2014 Annual Meeting of JSME)(2014/09/09)
  • Examination of the effect of pelvic retroversion on the stress state of the hip joint(conference:5th Mechanical Finder User Research Seminar)(2014/08/16)
  • Relationship between bone strain and osteogenesis induced by electrical muscle stimulation(conference:Annual Meeting, Hokuriku Shinetsu Branch, Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers)(2014/03/01)
  • A Study on Orthodontic Force Using Orthodontics Simulation Based on Periodontal Membrane Stress(conference:Bioengineering Conference, JSME)(2014/01/10)
  • The Inverse Dynamics Simulation of the Giraffe's Neck by using a Musculoskeletal Model(conference:Bioengineering Conference, JSME)(2014/01/10)
  • On Mechanical Adaptation of Structure and Motion of Living Things(conference:10th SOKENDAI Life Science Retreat)(2013/10/31)
  • Biological mechanical modeling and computational biomechanics - From human spine to giraffe neck, from human skin to plant fruit -(conference:The 33rd Japan Society of Biomedical Engineering Koshinetsu Branch Meeting)(2013/10/26)
  • Examination of fracture mechanism considering buckling in necrotic femoral head(conference:4th Mechanical Finder User Research Seminar)(2013/08/17)
  • 0313 Development of Orthodontics Simulation Method Based on Periodontal Ligament Stress(conference:Annual Meeting, Hokuriku Shinetsu Branch, Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers)(2013/03/01)
  • 0505 Stress Analyses on Long Bone of Vertebrate Animals and Those Comparison(conference:Conference of Hokuriku-Shinetsu Branch)(2013/03/01)
  • Force acting on the body and health(conference:Japan Sea Innovation Conference 2012 Kanazawa University Program)(2013/02/16)
  • WS24 A Mechanical Consideration of Generation Mechanism of Pressure Ulcer and Its Preventive Equipment(2013/01/08)
  • C212 Finite-Element Analysis of Musculoskeletal System of Giraffe's Neck(conference:JSME Conference on Frontiers in Bioengineering)(2012/10/04)
  • J025022 A Study of Orthodontics Simulation Based on Periodontal Membrane Stress(conference:Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan)(2012/09/09)
  • J025023 Mechanical Simulation of Musculoskeletal System of Giraffe Neck(conference:Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan)(2012/09/09)
  • 8A12 On Risk Evaluation of Pressure Ulcers by Mechanical Analysis of the Musculo skeletal System.(conference:Bioengineering Conference)(2012/01/06)
  • 7A22 A mechanical consideration on the elderly spine posture(conference:Bioengineering Conference)(2012/01/06)
  • 7A11 A Study on Mechanical Influence of Contact between Hip Stem and Cement in the Cemented Total Hip Arthroplasty(conference:Bioengineering Conference)(2012/01/06)
  • 8D43 Development of A Finite-element Model of Hip for Risk Evaluation of Pressure Ulcers.(conference:Bioengineering Conference)(2012/01/06)
  • 8G32 A Study on Mechanical Optimality of Fiber Direction in the Autochory Plant Fruits.(conference:Bioengineering Conference)(2012/01/06)
  • On Optimality of Seed Dispersion Mechanism in Autochory Plant(conference:The 26th Regular Meeting of Aero Aqua Biomechanism Research Society)(2011/03/26)
  • Finite element modeling based on CT images and its applications(conference:3rd Hokuriku CAE Social Gathering)(2011/09/30)
  • W021005 Bio-Inspired Technology of Optimum Design(conference:Mechanical Engineering Congress, Japan)(2011/09/11)
  • Evaluation of screw loosening in intertrochanteric fracture fixation(conference:2nd Mechanical Finder User Research Seminar)(2011/08/27)
  • Finite element analysis of osteoporotic spine(conference:4th Ehime Medical Engineering Collaboration Seminar)(2011/04)
  • Effectiveness and problems of mechanical modeling of bone using the Mechanical Finder(conference:1st Mechanical Finder User Research Seminar)(2010/08)
  • Comparison of performance of living thing and machine in locomotor (Workshop Machine Design / Biological Design -How close can a machine approach a living organism?-)(conference:2010 Annual Meeting of JSME)(2010/09/05)
  • Visualizing the forces of living things - humans, animals and plants - (Lecture and exhibit)(conference:4th Joint Symposium of Kanazawa University Science/Engineering and Kanazawa College of Art)(2009/02)
  • On evaluation of spine strength by computational biomechanics(conference:2nd Spine IVR Forum)(2009/02/07)
  • Stress evaluation of osteoporotic vertebrae considering total alignment of the spine(conference:Third Switzerland-Japan Workshop on Biomechanics 2009 (SJB 2009))(2009/09/01)
  • Development of mechanics model of spine and vertebrae and its application(conference:2nd Workshop on Medical Engineering Research of Mie Medical Study Seminar)(2008/01)
  • Activities of academic society and association for ethical problem on biomedical engineering(conference:JSME 19th Bioengineering Conference)(2007/01)
  • Multi-scale computational biomechanics of skeletal systems(conference:9th Nonlinear CAE Study Session)(2006/06/18)
  • 植物果皮のはじけるメカニズムの力学的検討(異方性の影響)(conference:日本機械学会計算力学講演会講演論文集)(2006/11/02)
  • Application of optimization method to medical engineering(conference:JSME Optimization Symposium 2006 (OPTIS2006))(2006/12)
  • 533 Biomechanical Study on Burst Mechanism of Pericarps : Effect of Anisotropic Property(conference:The Computational Mechanics Conference)(2006/11/02)
  • Fracture analysis for patients with osteoporosis and its application(conference:The 18th Annual Meeting of Japanese Society for Musculoskeletal Rehabilitation)(2006/07/15)
  • 植物果皮におけるはじけるメカニズムの力学的検討(実験的検討)(conference:バイオエンジニアリング講演会講演論文集)(2005/01/21)
  • 413 Biomechanical Study on Burst Mechanism of Plant Seed Vessel : Experimental Study(conference:The ... JSME Bioengineering Conference and Seminar)(2005/01/21)
  • Computational biomechanics and its research trends in the orthopedic field in the United States(conference:2001 Annual Meeting of JSME)(2001/08)


  •  Effect of Time Length of Eye Movement Data Analysis on the Accuracy of Mental Workload Estimation During Automobile Driving Takanori Chihara,Jiro Sakamoto Proceedings of the 21st Congress of the International Ergonomics Association (IEA 2021) 593 2021
  •  Evaluation of time series changes of mental workload during automobile driving with application of anomaly detection CHIHARA Takanori,SAKAMOTO Jiro The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics 57 Supplement 2C4-1 2021/05/22
  •  Simulation based Ergonomic Design with Digital Human Modeling 55 4 232 2020/04
  •  Evaluation of mental workload during automobile driving based on anomaly detection with machine learning CHIHARA Takanori,KOBAYASHI Fumihiro,SAKAMOTO Jiro The Japanese Journal of Ergonomics 56 0 2A4 2020
  •  Optimum Design of Steel Framed House Structure Using Evolutionary Computing Shimizu N,Kawai Y,Hanya K,Tohnai S,Hara F,Maari N,Takada T,Sakamoto J Nippon Steel & Sumitomo Metal Technical Report 410 98 2018

show all

  •  History of bioengineering "History of biomechanics of moving plants" Sakamoto J Bioengineering News, The Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 46 3 2018/04
  •  骨盤傾斜が寛骨臼応力分布に与える影響の有限要素解析 長谷川 和宏,加畑 多文,楫野 良知,多賀 正,井上 大輔,山本 崇史,高木 知治,大森 隆昭,坂本 二郎,土屋 弘行 日本整形外科学会雑誌 91 2 S531 2017/03
  •  Exploration of design guidelines of supportive underwear to improve pelvic floor relaxation using a FE model of the buttocks D. Tawara,T. Nishiki,S. Ninomiya,H. Okayama,K. Naito,K. Nakanishi,S. Morikawa,J. Sakamoto Proc. 16th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering C7-1 2016/12/09
  •  テーパーウェッジ型ステム周囲のcortical hypertrophyの有限要素解析を用いた検討 長谷川 和宏,加畑 多文,前田 亨,楫野 良知,多賀 正,井上 大輔,山本 崇史,高木 知治,大森 隆昭,坂本 二郎,土屋 弘行 日本整形外科学会雑誌 90 8 S1637 2016/08
  •  Impact fracture analysis of laminated glass plane with the combined discrete and finite elements method Xu Wei,Jiro Sakamoto Proc. Asian Congress of Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization 2016 3D3-3 2016/05/15
  •  Estimating thermal deformation from rotation history for machine tool Nakanishi, K,Sakamoto, J Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Leading Edge Manufacturing in 21st Century 2015 8 No.121427 2015/10/18
  •  脊椎椎体骨折と脊柱後弯変形のバイオメカニクス(特集 脊椎椎体骨折のトータルマネジメント) 坂本二郎,田原大輔,村上英樹,川原範夫,冨田勝郎 Journal of Clinical Rehabilitation 23 12 1148 2014/12
  •  骨盤傾斜が股関節の応力分布に与える影響の有限要素解析を用いた検討 長谷川 和宏,加畑 多文,前田 亨,楫野 良知,岩井 信太郎,黒田 一成,藤田 健司,井上 大輔,山本 崇史,坂本 二郎,清水 翔太 日本整形外科学会雑誌 88 8 S1449 2014/08
  •  A Study on Orthodontics Simulation Method Based on Periodontal Ligament Stress Sakamoto J,Kokubo S Proc.CD 15th International Conference on Precision Engineering 576 2014/07
  •  Design Optimization of Cross-Sectional Shape of Thin Walled Structure by Evolutionary Computation Considering Buckling Kobayashi K,Sakamoto J Proc. CD 8th China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Optimization of Structural and Mechanical Systems No.0213 2014/05
  •  Risk Evaluation for Deep Tissue Injury of Pressure Ulcers By Using A Finite-Element Model of Buttocks Sakamoto J,Numakura R,Sawada M,Sugama J Proc. CD 1st Conference of Computational Engineering and Science for Safety and Environmental Problems 361 2014/04
  •  Risk Evaluation for Development of Pressure Ulcers by Using A Finite-Element Model of Buttock 49 3 101 2014/03
  •  Stress Analysis on Musculoskeletal System of Giraffe’s Neck Considering Muscle Force A. Sakai,J. Sakamoto Proc. CD The 7th Asian Pacific Conference on Biomechanics No.ORS12_003 2013/08
  •  A Study on Optimality of Fiber Direction of Bursting Fruit with Spiral Motion J. Sakamoto,Y. Endo,Y. Koshimura Proc. CD 10th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization No.5416 2013/05
  •  Mechanical analysis of bursting fruit of Vicia angustifolia (Vicia sativa subsp. nigra) with spiral motion J. Sakamoto,Y. Endo,Y. Sakai,Y. Koshimura Proc. 7th Plant Biomechanics International Conference 299 2012/08
  •  On Optimality of Fiber Direction in Vicia Angustifolia Fruit for Spreading Seeds J. Sakamoto,Y. Koshimura,Y. Endo,Y. Sakai Proc. CD 7th China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Optimization of Structural and Mechanical Systems No. J-71 2012/06
  •  What is the “Good Design” in Mechanical Engineering? Sakamoto J Journal of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 115 1119 98 2012/02
  •  Change in Bone Strength of Osteoporotic Vertebra during Drug Treatment - a FEM study - D. Tawara,J. Sakamoto,H. Murakami,N. Kawahara Proc. CD International Conference on Materials and Reliability 2011 (ICMR-2011) Paper No.A305 2011/11
  •  Mechanical Evaluation of Circum-Spinal Decompression Surgery for Thoracic Myelopathy Due to Ossification Ligaments J. Sakamoto,Y. Endo,T. Okayama,H. Murakami,N. Kawahara Proc. CD International Conference on Materials and Reliability 2011 (ICMR-2011) Paper No.A302 2011/11
  •  A Study on Cervical Spine of Giraffe to Consider its Mechanical Adaptation J. Sakamoto,K. Arihara,H. Tai,T. Yamazaki Proc. CD XXIII Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics Paper No.1085 2011/07
  •  A stress analysis of spinal cord on decompression surgery for thoracic myelopathy J. Sakamoto,Y. Endo,H. Mizuo,T. Okayama,H. Murakami,N. Kawahara,K. Tomita Proc. XIII International Symposium on Computer Simulation in Biomechanics 39 2011/06
  •  Optimal DE-kyphosis Angle on Circum-spinal Decompression for Thoracic Myelopathy due to Ossification Ligaments Y. Endo,J. Sakamoto,H. Mizuo,T. Okayama,H. Murakami,N. Kawahara Proc. CD 9th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization (WCSMO9) Paper No.328 2011/06
  •  A Study on Mechanical Adaptation of Cervical Vertebrae of Giraffe J. Sakamoto,K. Arihara,T. Yamazaki,H. Tai Proc. CD 6th World Congress of Biomechanics WCB-A01441-02591 2010/08
  •  A Study on Optimality of Cervical Spine of Giraffe J. Sakamoto,K. Arihara,T. Yamazaki,H. Tai Proc. CD 6th China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Optimization of Structural and Mechanical Systems No. J-85 2010/06
  •  Biomechanical Study on Optimum Stress Distribution of Bursting Plant Fruit for Scattering Seed Y. Endo,J. Sakamoto,E. Kinoshita Proc. KSME-JSME Joint Symposium 2010 on Computational Mechanics and Computer-Aided Engineering 76 2010/03
  •  Mechanical Finder イメージベースの骨強度評価ソフトウェア 坂本 二郎,田原 大輔,村上 英樹,川原 範夫,加畑 多文,尾田 十八,富田 勝郎 バイオメカニズム学会誌 33 4 277 2009/11
  •  Analysis of Cervical Spine of Giraffe J. Sakamoto,K Arihara,T. Yamazaki Proc. CD XXII Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics No. 395 2009/07
  •  Mechanical analysis of spine with kyphosis due to compression fracture of osteoporotic vertebra J. Sakamoto,H. Fukui,T. Minowa,H. Murakami,N. Kawahara,K. Tomita Proc. XII International Symposium on Computer Simulation in Biomechanics 17 2009/07
  •  A Study on Optimality of Pre-Burst Stress of Plant Fruit to Scatter Seed J. Sakamoto,Y. Endo,S. Kitayama,E. Kinoshita Proc. CD 8th World Congress on Structural and Multidisciplinary Optimization No.1489 2009/06
  •  Computer Simulation of Bursting Plant Fruit Considering Optimum Pre-Burst Stress Y. Endo,J. Sakamoto,E. Kinoshita Proc. The third International Symposium on Biomechanics, Human Function and Information Science 3 33 2009/02
  •  Damage to local industries and the state of reconstruction Oda J,Iwata Y,Sakamoto J,Tanaka S,Kaneko S,Oda M,Terashima S Report of the special research subcommittee on damage to local industries due to the Noto Peninsula and Chuetsu-oki earthquakes and their recovery 51 2009
  •  Biomechanics of vertebral fracture Sakamoto J,Tawara D,Murakami H,Kawahara N,Tomita K Clinical Imaging 25 8 848 2009
  •  Musculoskeletal Analysis of Spine with Kyphosis Due to Compression Fracture of an Osteoporotic Vertebra J. Sakamoto,Y. Nakada,H. Murakami,N. Kawahara,J. Oda,K. Tomita,H. Higaki 13TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, VOLS 1-3 23 1-3 1588 2009
  •  Biomechanical Analysis of Influence of Spinal Fixation on Intervertebral Joint Force by Using Musculoskeletal Model H. Fukui,J. Sakamoto,H. Murakami,N. Kawahara,J. Oda,K. Tomita,H. Higaki 13TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING, VOLS 1-3 23 1-3 1712 2009
  •  Ethics and law on bioengineering Sakamoto J Journal of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 111 1077 718 2008/08
  •  Taylor Spatial Frameにおける至適なハーフピン刺入位置 山城 輝久,土屋 弘行,櫻吉 啓介,渡邊 孝治,松原 秀憲,富田 勝郎,坂本 二郎,井上 景太 日本創外固定・骨延長学会雑誌 19 184 2008/02
  •  Finite-element Analysis of Pre-burst Stress of Bursting Plant Pericarp Y. Endo,J. Sakamoto,H. Yokota,S. Nakamura,E. Kinoshita,J. Oda Proc. 3rd Asian Pacific Conf. on Biomechanics 1 134 2007/11
  •  Taylor Spatial Frameを下腿に設置する際の至適なハーフピン刺入位置 有限要素解析法による 山城 輝久,土屋 弘行,桜吉 啓介,渡邊 孝治,富田 勝郎,坂本 二郎 日本整形外科学会雑誌 81 8 S1128 2007/08
  •  FINITE-ELEMENT ANALYSIS OF FEMORAL RESURFACING IMPLANTA-TION CONSIDERING OSTEONECROSIS REGION J. Sakamoto,Y. Umemoto,T. Kabata,D. Sakagoshi,J. Oda,K. Tomita Proc. CD XXIth Congress of the Int. Society of Biomechanics 1 205 2007/07
  •  A Biomechanical Study on Burst Mechanism of Plant Pericarps Y. Endo,J. Sakamoto,Y. Kashiwano,H. Yokota,S. Nakamura,J. Oda Proc. 3rd B-J-K Symposium on Biomechanic 1 7 2007/03
  •  An Investigation on Alignment of Femoral Resurfacing Implant by Using Finite Element Method J. Sakamoto,Y. Umemoto,T. Kabata,D. Sakagoshi,J. Oda,K. Tomita Proc. 3rd B-J-K Symposium on Biomechanic 1 57 2007/03
  •  A Study of Osteoporosis Therapeutic Effect on Vertebral Bone by Using Image Based Mechanical Analysis Sakamoto J,Sakuraui Y,Tawara D,Murakami H,Kawahara N,Oda J,Tomita K IEICE technical report. MI, medical imaging 107 326 31 2007
  •  Effects of bisphosphonates on bone quality and strength Murakami H,Kawahara N,Sakamoto J,Tawara D,Tomita K Japanese Journal of Clinical Medicine 64 9 1651 2006/09
  •  A biomechanical study on burst mechanism of impatiens pericarps Y. Endo,J. Sakamoto,Y. Kashiwano,H. Yokota,S. Nakamura,J. Oda Proc. 5th Plant Biomechanics Conference 2 555-560 2006/09
  •  Bone Fracture Analysis of Osteoporosis Vertebra to Evaluate Therapeutic Effect By Patient-Specific Finite-Element Method D. Tawara,J. Sakamoto,H. Murakami,N. Kawahara,J. Oda,K. Tomita Proc. 5th World Congress of Biomechanics 1 5346 2006/07
  •  Taylor Spatial Frameの固定性はIlizarov創外固定器の固定性と同等か? 有限要素解析での検討 山城 輝久,土屋 弘行,渡邊 孝治,松原 秀憲,富田 勝郎,櫻吉 啓介,坂本 二郎,関原 大輔 日本創外固定・骨延長学会雑誌 17 155 2006/03
  •  A study of patient-specific bone fracture analysis for osteoporosis and its application Sakamoto J,Tawara D,Murakami H,Kawahara N,Oda J,Tomita K The Journal of physical medicine 17 4 303 2006
  •  Patient-Specific Finite Element Analysis of Osteoporosis Vertebra and its Clinical Application D.TAWARA,J.SAKAMOTO,H.MURAKAMI,N.KAWAHARA,J.ODA,K.TOMITA Proc. 2nd B-J-K Symposium on Biomechanics 1 76 2006/03
  •  Rapid individual modeling of bone by mesh matching method used optimization technique Jiro Sakamoto,Naoya Takeda CJK-OSM 4: The Fourth China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Optimization of Structural and Mechanical Systems 1 467 2006
  •  Mechanical Analysis of Lumber Vertebra with Spinal Fusion Used by Musculoskeletal Simulation D.Tawara,J.Sakamoto,S.Kimura,H.Murakami,N.Kawahara,J.Oda,K.Tomita Proc. CD the 12th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering 1 1 3B5-08 2005/12
  •  Bone Remodeling Simulation Considering Matrix Vesicle Mineralization by Using E-CELL J. Sakamoto,N. Takagi,N. Sakakibara Proc. CD the 12th Int. Conf. on Biomedical Engineering 1 1 2A5-08 2005/12
  •  Study on improvement of commercial lumbar finite element model reflecting inhomogeneous material properties of human iliac bone Go C,Konoshu A,Yukita Y,Sakamoto J JARI (Japan Automobile Research Institute) research journal 27 11 643 2005/11
  •  Finite Element Analysis of Femoral Resurfacing Implantation Considering Bone In-homogeneousness of Femoral Head J.Sakamoto,Y.Omura,H.Takada,T.Kahata,J.Oda,K.Tomita Proc. CD the 2nd Asian Pacific Conference on Biomechanics 1 10057 2005/11
  •  Comparison of Outcome Assessment Between Problem−Based Learning and Thesis Report - Activity of Human and Mechanica lSystems Engineering, Kanazawa Unlversity - Sakamoto J,Kodama A,Yamazaki K,Ueno H Proceedings of the 2005 Anual Conference on Japan Society for Engineering Education 1,214-215 2005/09
  •  Development Of Human Pelvic Bone FE Model By Considering Pelvic Anthropometry C.Ko,A.Konusu,Y.Yukita,J.Sakamoto Proc. CD XXth Congress of the International Society of Biomechanics and 29th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics 1 1 308 2005/08
  •  PATIENT-SPECIFIC DYNAMIC STRESS ANALYSIS OF OSTEOPOROSIS VERTEBRAE D. Tawara,J. Sakamoto,S. Awamori,H. Murakami,N. Kawahara,J. Oda,K. Tomita Proc. CD XXth Congress of the Int. Society of Biomechanics and 29th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics 1 1 181 2005/08
  •  MECHANICAL EVALUATION OF THERAPEUTIC EFFECT FOR OSTEOPOROSIS VERTEBRA BY USING PATIENT-SPECIFIC FINITE ELE-MENT ANALYSIS D. Tawara,J. Sakamoto,A. Sekimoto,S. Awamori,H. Murakami,N. Kawahara,J. Oda,K. Tomita Proc. CD XXth Congress of the Int. Society of Biomechanics and 29th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Biomechanics 1 1 180 2005/08
  •  Musculoskeletal analysis of spine and its application for spinal fixation by instruments J.Sakamoto,D.Tawara,S.Kimura Proc. 2005 International Symposium on Computer Simulation in Biomechanics 1 1 19 2005/07
  •  Study on Lumbar Anthropometry for Development of Human Iliac Finite Element Model Go C,Konoshu A,Yukita Y,Sakamoto J JARI (Japan Automobile Research Institute) research journal 27 4 147 2005/04
  •  Computational biomechanics of vertebral fracture Sakamoto J Journal of the Society of Biomechanisms Japan 28 4 189 2004/11
  •  FORCE AND MOMENT DETERMINATION OF LIMBER VERTEBRAE BY OPTIMIZATION TECHNIQUE IN MUSCULOSKELETAL SIMULATION OF BODY D. Tawara,S. Kimura,J. Sakamoto Proc. 3rd China-Japan-Korea Joint Symposium on Optimization of Structural and Mechanical Systems (CJK-OSM 3) 1 1 371 2004/09
  •  Compressive Strength Evaluation of Osteoporosis Vertebra by Finite-element Analysis Based on Patient-specific Models J. Sakamoto,Y. Kanazawa,D. Tawara,J. Oda,S. Awamori,H. Murakami,N. Kawahara,K. Tomita Proc. CD American Society of Biomechanics Annual Meeting 2004 1 1 161 2004/09
  •  STRESS EVALUATION OF OSTEOPOROSIS VERTEBRA BY FINITE-ELEMENT ANALYSIS BASED ON PATIENT-SPECIFIC MODELS J. Sakamoto,H. Kanazawa,S. Awamori,H. Murakami,N. Kawahara,J. Oda,K. Tomita Proc. CD Cngress European Society of Biomechanics 1 1 372 2004/07
  •  Biomechanical properties of osteoporotic vertebral fracture AWAMORI S. 15 1 131 2004/05/20
  •  Finite-element analysis on reconstructive correction osteotomy for osteoporotic vertebral fractures with angular kyphosis HATO T. 15 1 133 2004/05/20
  •  Image-based coupled biomechanics of bone and its application to orthopedic medicine Sakamoto J Report of Study Group on Image-Based Coupled Biomechanics Analysis and Its Application, the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 1,50-52 2004/03
  •  Individual Modeling of Osteoporosis Vertebra and Its Finite-element Analysis J. Sakamoto,H. Kanazawa,S. Awamori,H. Murakami,N. Kawahara,J. Oda,K. Tomita Proc. CD Work-shop on Biomechanical Engineering and Biomaterials Int. Symposium on Bio-inspired System (ISBS-2004) 1 1 49 2004/01
  •  Report on the symposium, exhibition and workshop "Astro Boy's Seven Forces and Mechanical Engineering" Sakamoto J Journal of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 106 1019 833 2003/10
  •  Reconstruction by a new instrumentation technique after total sacrectomy: A biomechanical comparison Murakami H,Kawahara N,Sakamoto J,Yoshida A,Nanbu H,Ueda Y,Oda J,Tomita K CLINICAL ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY 38 4 517 2003/04/01
  •  JSME Year Book, Bioengineering, Tissue Biomechanics Sakamoto J Journal of the Japan Society of Mechanical Engineers 105 1005 502 2002/08
  •  Mechanical Evaluation of Reconstructed Structure after Total en Bloc Spondylectomy J. Sakamoto,J. Oda,T. Murakami,N. Kawahara,K. Tomita Proc. 2001 Bioengineering Conference ASME 50 825 2001/06
  •  Development research of artificial joint/spine by biomechanics Oda J,Sakamoto J University extension journal of Kanazawa University 21 1 2001
  •  Improvement of Reconstructed Structure of Total Sacrectomy and Its Mechanical Evaluation J. Sakamoto,J. Oda,Y. Nagashima,A. Yoshida,H. Murakami,N. Kawahara,K. Tomita Proc. 10th Int. Conf. Biomedical Engineering 173 2000/12
  •  Mechanical Evaluation of Total Hip Prosthesis for Japanese Secondary Osteoarthrosis Y. Hasegawa,J. Sakamoto,J. Oda,T. Sugimori,T. Matsumoto,A. Kaneuji,M. Nishino,K. Tomita,M . Fujita Proc. 10th Int. Conf. Biomedical Engineering 169 2000/12
  •  3D modeling of skeletal system Sakamoto J,Oda J,Kaneuji A,Matsumoto T,Fujita M Transactions of the Japanese Society for Medical and Biological Engineering : BME 14 10 48 2000
  •  Reconstructed Structure Design of Total Sacrectomy and their Mechanical Evaluations J. Sakamoto,J. Oda,H. Murakami,N. Kawahara,K. Tomita Proc. 1999 Bioengineering Conference ASME 42 175 1999/07

Arts and Fieldwork

○Prototype of "flexible cane" using bio-innovative design technology(2016/08/25-2016/08/26)(place:Tokyo Big Site)(result:Using the bio-innovative design technology developed by the presenters, we have prototyped a "flexible cane" with excellent shock absorption, referring to the ulna of animals. This is a part of research results by Cabinet Office SIP "Innovative Design and Production Technology". This was exhibited at "Innovation Japan 2016-University Exhibition & Business Matching-".)
○Development of Lumbar Mechanical Model for Pedestrian Fracture Analysis in Car Accident(2004-2005)(place:Cleveland, USA)(result:We developed a finite element model of the lumbar region for pedestrian fracture analysis in a car accident. This is a part of the results of collaboration research with JARI (Japan Automobile Research Institute). It was presented at the 20th International Society of Biomechanics.)
○Movie of High Speed Bursting Motion of Autochory Plant Fruits(2013/05/12-)(place:YouTube)(result:The high-speed bursting motions of fruits in six kinds of autochory plants were simultaneously photographed from two directions with a high-speed video camera, edited and compiled into a video of about 1 minute. This is a part of the results presented at the 8th Plant Biomechanics International Conference.)
○Development of Human Lumbar Dummy Model for Evaluation of Internal Stress in Subcutaneous Tissue(2013/04/01-2016/03/31)(place:Kyoto)(result:We developed a lumbar dummy model and a corresponding finite element model that can imitate the structure of the subcutaneous tissue of the human body and evaluate the stress of the subcutaneous tissue. This is a part of the research results of KAKENHI Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research (C) 25350523. It was presented at the 3rd Annual Meeting of the Japanese Society of Nursing Science and Engineering.)


○Design and Production System(publish date:2017/03/23)(No:特許第6614649号)

Theme to the desired joint research

○Research on Optimal Design of Mechanical Structures based on Biological Form
○Research on Development and Application of Flexible Gripping Structures
○Research on Development of Orthopaedic Surgery Devices

Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research


Competitive research funding,Contribution

Collaborative research,Consignment study

○Development of mechanical model of pelvis for bone fracture analysis of pedestrian in car accident(2002-2002)
○Development of mechanical model of pelvis for bone fracture analysis of pedestrian in car accident(2003-2003)
○Mechanical evaluation of compression fracture risk of vertebrae for osteoporosis patients(2004-2004)
○Development of mechanical model of pelvis for bone fracture analysis of pedestrian in car accident(2004-2004)
○Development of external fixation device for promote bone fracture healing(2004-2006)

Classes (Bachelors)

○Human Body Science B(2021)
○Bioengineering B(2021)
○Strength of Materials IIA(2021)
○Strength of Materials IIB(2021)
○Strength of Materials IIB(BH)(2021)
○Bioengineering A(2021)
○Strength of Materials IIA(BH)(2021)
○Technical English(2019)

Classes (Graduate Schools)

○Biomechanics A(2021)
○Biomechanics B(2021)
○Finite Element Method A(2021)
○Finite Element Method B(2021)
○Advanced Clinical Biomechanics(2019)

International Project

International Students

Lecture themes

Others (Social Activities)

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