工藤 信明 (くどう のぶあき) 特任准教授 KUDO, Nobuaki
東京大学大学院 博士課程 農学生命科学研究科 応用生命工学専攻 1999/03 修了
東京大学大学院 博士課程 薬学系研究科 生命薬学専攻 1996/03 中退
東京大学大学院 修士課程 農学系研究科 応用生命工学専攻 1994/03 修了
東京大学 農学部 農芸化学科 1992/03 卒業
金沢大学 先端科学・社会共創推進機構 特任准教授 (2022-)
筑波大学 世界トップレベル研究拠点プログラム 国際統合睡眠医科学研究機構 (WPI-IIIS) URA (2020-2022)
(株)日本創発グループ 創発戦略室 アカデミック・アドバイザー (2019-2019)
インペリアル・カレッジ・ロンドン 医学部 生殖学発生生物学研究所 PI・研究室長、専任講師 (2007-2016)
ウィーン・バイオセンター・分子病理学研究所(IMP) Kim Nasmyth研究室 博士研究員 (2001-2007)
○日本がん分子標的治療研究会研究奨励賞 (2000)
○第17回井上研究奨励賞 (2000)
- De novo DNA methylation drives 5hmC accumulation in mouse zygotes. Amouroux D, Nashun B, Shirane K, Nakagawa S, Hill PW, D’Souza Z, Nakayama M, Matsuda M, Turp A, Ndjetehe E, Encheva V, Kudo NR, Koseki H, Sasaki H, Hajkova P. Nat Cell Biol. 18巻 2号 225頁 2016 査読有 原著論文
- Mastl is required for timely activation of APC/C in meiosis I and Cdk1 reactivation in meiosis II. Adhikari D, Diril MK, Busayavalasa K, Risal S, Nakagawa S, Lindkvist R, Shen Y, Coppola V, Tessarollo L, Kudo NR, Kaldis P, Liu K. J Cell Biol. 206巻 7号 843頁 2014 査読有 原著論文
- Rec8-containing cohesin maintains bivalents without turnover during the growing phase of mouse oocytes. Tachibana-Konwalski K, Godwin J, van der Weyden L, Champion L, Kudo NR, Adams DJ, Nasmyth K. Genes Dev. 24巻 22号 2505頁 2010 査読有 原著論文
- Resolution of chiasmata in oocytes requires separase-mediated proteolysis. Kudo NR, Wassmann K, Anger M, Schuh M, Wirth KG, Xu H, Helmhart W, Kudo H, Mckay M, Maro B, Ellenberg J, de Boer P, Nasmyth K. Cell 126巻 1号 135頁 2006 査読有 原著論文
- Leptomycin B inactivates CRM1/exportin 1 by covalent modification at a cysteine residue in the central conserved region. Kudo N, Matsumori N, Taoka H, Fujiwara D, Schreiner EP, Wolff B, Yoshida M, Horinouchi S. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 96巻 16号 9112頁 1999 査読有 原著論文
- Increased expression of cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated protein 4 by T cells, induced by B7 in sera, reduces adaptive immunity in patients with acute liver failure. Khamri W, Abeles RD, Hou TZ, Anderson AE, El-Masry A, Triantafyllou E, Bernsmeier C, Larsen FS, Singanayagam A, Kudo N, Possamai LA, Lebosse F, Auzinger G, Bernal W, Willars C, Weston CJ, Lombardi G, Wendon J, Thursz M, Antoniades CG. Gastroenterology 153巻 1号 263頁 2017 査読有 原著論文
- Dual-mode regulation of the APC/C by CDK1 and MAPK controls meiosis I progression and fidelity. Nabti I, Marangos P, Bormann J, Kudo NR, Carroll J. J Cell Biol. 204巻 6号 891頁 2014 査読有 原著論文
- Cohesin loading factor Nipbl localizes to chromosome axes during mammalian meiotic prophase. Kuleszewicz K, Fu X, Kudo NR*. Cell Div. 8巻 1号 12頁 2013 査読有 原著論文
- Role of cleavage by separase of the Rec8 kleisin subunit of cohesin in mammalian meiosis I. Kudo NR*, Anger M, Peters AH, Stemmann O, Theussl HC, Helmhart W, Kudo H, Heyting C, Nasmyth K*. J Cell Sci. 122巻 15号 2686頁 2009 査読有 原著論文
- Regulation of APC/C activity in oocytes by a Bub1-dependent spindle assembly checkpoint. McGuinness BE, Anger M, Kouznetsova A, Gil-Bernabe A, Helmhart W, Kudo NR, Wuensche A, Taylor S, Hoog C, Novak B, Nasmyth K. Curr Biol. 19巻 5号 369頁 2009 査読有 原著論文
- Separase: a universal trigger for sister chromatid disjunction but not chromosome cycle progression. Wirth KG, Wutz G, Kudo NR, Desdouets C, Zetterberg A, Taghybeeglu S, Seznec J, Ducos GM, Ricci R, Firnberg N, Peters JM, Nasmyth K. J Cell Biol. 172巻 6号 847頁 2006 査読有 原著論文
- Shugoshin prevents dissociation of cohesin from centromeres during mitosis in vertebrate cells. McGuinness BE, Hirota T, Kudo NR, Peters JM, Nasmyth K. PloS Biol. 3巻 3号 e86頁 2005 査読有 原著論文
- Loss of the anaphase-promoting complex in quiescent cells causes unscheduled hepatocyte proliferation. Wirth KG, Ricci R, Gimenez-Abian JF, Taghybeeglu S, Kudo NR, Jochum W, Vasseur-Cognet M, Nasmyth K. Genes Dev. 18巻 1号 88頁 2004 査読有 原著論文
- New Rev-transport inhibitor with anti-HIV activity from Valerianae Radix. Murakami N, Ye Y, Kawanishi M, Aoki S, Kudo N, Yoshida M, Nakayama EE, Shioda T, Kobayashi M. Bioorg Med Chem Lett. 12巻 20号 2807頁 2002 査読有 原著論文
- Developmentally regulated activity of CRM1/XPO1 during early Xenopus embryogenesis. Callanan M, Kudo N, Gout S, Brocard M, Yoshida M, Dimitrov S, Khochbin S. J Cell Sci. 113巻 3号 451頁 2000 査読有 原著論文
- A nuclear export signal in the N-terminal regulatory domain of IkappaBalpha controls cytoplasmic localization of inactive NF-kappaB/IkappaBalpha complexes. Huang TT, Kudo N, Yoshida M, Miyamoto S. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 97巻 3号 1014頁 2000 査読有 原著論文
- Oxidative stress abolishes leptomycin B-sensitive nuclear export of transcription repressor Bach2 that counteracts activation of Maf recognition element. Hoshino H, Kobayashi A, Yoshida M, Kudo N, Oyake T, Motohashi H, Hayashi N, Yamamoto M, Igarashi K. J Biol Chem. 275巻 20号 15370頁 2000 査読有 原著論文
- A novel nuclear export signal sensitive to oxidative stress in the fission yeast transcription factor Pap1. Kudo N, Taoka H, Toda T, Yoshida M, Horinouchi S. J Biol Chem. 274巻 21号 15151頁 1999 査読有 原著論文
- Identification of a novel nuclear export signal sensitive to oxidative stress in yeast AP-1-like transcription factor. Kudo N, Taoka H, Yoshida M, Horinouchi S. Ann N Y Acad Sci. 886巻 204頁 1999 査読無 原著論文
- レプトマイシン--いま注目される蛋白質核外移行の特異的阻害剤 吉田 稔, 工藤 信明, 堀之内 末治 蛋白質核酸酵素 44巻 9号 1379頁 1999 査読無 総説
- Leptomycin B inhibition of signal-mediated nuclear export by direct binding to CRM1. Kudo N, Wolff B, Sekimoto T, Schreiner EP, Yoneda Y, Yanagida M, Horinouchi S, Yoshida M. Exp Cell Res. 242巻 2号 540頁 1998 査読有 原著論文
- Leptomycin, an antifungal and antitumor Streptomyces metabolite, is a novel chemical probe for eukaryotic nucleo-cytoplasmic transport. Yoshida M, Kudo N, Taoka H, Akakura S, Horinouchi S. Actinomycetol. 2巻 2号 120頁 1998 査読無 総説
- Molecular cloning and cell cycle-dependent expression of mammalian CRM1, a protein involved in nuclear export of proteins. Kudo N, Khochbin S, Nishi K, Kitano K, Yanagida M, Yoshida M, Horinouchi S. J Biol Chem. 272巻 47号 29742頁 1997 査読有 原著論文
- Cloning and characterization of a gene involved in aerial mycelium formation in Streptomyces griseus. Kudo N, Kimura M, Beppu T, Horinouchi S. J Bacteriol. 177巻 22号 6401頁 1995 査読有 原著論文
- Plasmid-mediated gene disruption in Streptomyces griseus. Kudo N, Ueda K, Ikeda H, Omura H, Beppu T, Horinouchi S. Actinomycetol. 8巻 1号 17頁 1994 査読有 原著論文
- Mouse meiotic chromosome segregation: High incidences of human oocyte aneuploidy.(会議名:The 18th World Congress on Controversies in Obstetrics, Gynaecology & Infertility (COGI))(2013/10)
- The anaphase-promoting complex (APC/C) is required for primordial follicle survival in mice.(会議名:EMBO Workshop for Oocyte Maturation and Fertilization.)(2013/06)
- Why human eggs are so often aneuploid? A novel hypothesis from chromosome cohesion.(会議名:The 11th International Conference on Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis (PGDIS))(2012/05)
- Maintenance of chromosome cohesion during meiotic prophase in mouse oocytes.(会議名:EMBO Conference on Meiosis.)(2011/09)
- Maintenance of meiotic prophase in mouse oocytes.(会議名:The Meiosis Gordon Conference)(2010/06)
○競争的資金(学外) (2009-2013) 研究 Chromosome cohesion during protracted meiotic arrest in oocytes New Investigator Research Grant 英国医学研究会議 Medical Research Council (MRC) 代表 GBP 618,380
○競争的資金(学外) (2009-2010) 研究 Maintenance of chromosome cohesion during protracted meiotic arrest in mammalian oocytes; an essential mechanism for developing eggs with correct numbers of chromosomes Research Grant 王立協会 The Royal Society of London 代表 GBP 15,000
○競争的資金(学外) (2008-2014) 研究 Aneuploidy in early embryos Research Grant Genesis Research Trust / Institute of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Trust 代表 GBP 120,400
○卵子老化の分子メカニズム (キーワード:卵子の老化)